Lescott [Merged]

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i think the main sticking point is that everton are gonna want a player or players.i think moyes knows that hes not gonna see all of the money if he sold him for cash so hes trying to go for maybe dunne,petrov or someone on the fringes to appease the fans as well.if it was easy we would probably just lash £22-25m on the table and be done with it.
Brucie Bonus said:
Protest against Mr. Kenwright and Everton board being organized across Everton forums, alleging failure to lead (that's the essence of it in reality).

Got nothing against Everton as an institution. Can't stand the other lot though, ugh, they smell like rancid baby poo.

Can we just stop hammering Everton and taking the piss? Schadenfreude is not us (unless it's the creatures from the Black Lagoon, or the French).

Pls tell me anything else bad that could happen to us? :)
stony said:
That sounds like City fans on the WUM. I think we'd have bid for him now if we wanted him.

Probably right mate. Life is hard at mo being an EFC fan, I'm just glad the Redshite got beat as well. Incidently Lescott did not even acknowledge the fans on Saturday. Some booed but were drowned out by those singing his name. Nothing, not even a wave.

without meaning to be patronising, i do feel sorry for everton, i know they will probably get more than i think lescott is worth, but as with rooney its something your being forced into. i know if it was a city player (which has happened in the passed) i`d be well pissed off, so i know how upsetting it is to be forced into selling . also where does it stop will rodwell be next if you dont get an injection of capital
sniff said:
Probably right mate. Life is hard at mo being an EFC fan, I'm just glad the Redshite got beat as well. Incidently Lescott did not even acknowledge the fans on Saturday. Some booed but were drowned out by those singing his name. Nothing, not even a wave.

I hate it when players do that, its not the supporters who made this situation players should well remember that.

Spot on, it's all that's wrong with the game. Nothing surprises me anymore. Look at Rooney FFS, I was in the away end at Old Trafford watching him kiss his Man Utd badge in front of the Everton fans. Ok we were singing "will you die Rooney". Incidently No news on any of the EFC forums on anything.
Left Peg said:
Is that where he lives?

Hale Barnes I believe. I have seen his car a couple of times on the way into work going towards the M56 at Manchester Airport. I believe his kids go to school in Wilmslow. He does drive a Black Bentley Convertable with LE55COT as his plate.

Who's this Les Scot then? His agent? A friend? A City employee? Hmmm, the plot thickens....

*strokes chin*
Spot on, it's all that's wrong with the game. Nothing surprises me anymore. Look at Rooney FFS, I was in the away end at Old Trafford watching him kiss his Man Utd badge in front of the Everton fans. Ok we were singing "will you die Rooney". Incidently No news on any of the EFC forums on anything.

Very True fella, 'once a blue always a blue' hey... Lescott is a Brummie at the end of the day, so if Rooney didnt hang about, cant see why the fans think Lescott should. Nothing against your club, there is only a handful of players that remain loyal and even some of the most loyal have had their heads turned (Terry, Gerrard).

I do feel for Everton, we had this with SWP but more recently with Corluka, this seems a lot like that, ie Hughes wouldnt let him go until we had a replacement in. I hope Lescott acknowledges you Sat, esp if its his last game for the club, fans get so little respect from the players as it is, and most of you have done nothing wrong.
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