Lescott [Merged]

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stony said:
That sounds like City fans on the WUM. I think we'd have bid for him now if we wanted him.

Probably right mate. Life is hard at mo being an EFC fan, I'm just glad the Redshite got beat as well. Incidently Lescott did not even acknowledge the fans on Saturday. Some booed but were drowned out by those singing his name. Nothing, not even a wave.

That's bad if he did not acknowledge the fans mate
Paul Lake's Left Knee said:
Spot on, it's all that's wrong with the game. Nothing surprises me anymore. Look at Rooney FFS, I was in the away end at Old Trafford watching him kiss his Man Utd badge in front of the Everton fans. Ok we were singing "will you die Rooney". Incidently No news on any of the EFC forums on anything.

Very True fella, 'once a blue always a blue' hey... Lescott is a Brummie at the end of the day, so if Rooney didnt hang about, cant see why the fans think Lescott should. Nothing against your club, there is only a handful of players that remain loyal and even some of the most loyal have had their heads turned (Terry, Gerrard).

I do feel for Everton, we had this with SWP but more recently with Corluka, this seems a lot like that, ie Hughes wouldnt let him go until we had a replacement in. I hope Lescott acknowledges you Sat, esp if its his last game for the club, fans get so little respect from the players as it is, and most of you have done nothing wrong.

Yeah the Rooney one really hurt. Especially Man Utd and all there scouse hateing guff. Truth is I don't blame Lescott. I would do exactly the same, but I would still respect the fans.
I can't see Everton fans being happy with this article.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editorial/2009/08/18/1444135/english-angle-footballs-food-chain-are-everton-right-to-deny" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editor ... ht-to-deny</a>

Everton must learn their place, and allow Lescott to blossom at a 'bigger' club, where the opportunities are as limitless as the zeroes on City's cheques.
stony said:
I can't see Everton fans being happy with this article.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editorial/2009/08/18/1444135/english-angle-footballs-food-chain-are-everton-right-to-deny" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editor ... ht-to-deny</a>

Everton must learn their place, and allow Lescott to blossom at a 'bigger' club, where the opportunities are as limitless as the zeroes on City's cheques.

The article is written to be inflamatory. City have more money than Man Utd does that make you bigger than them? City are a big club. Similar in size to Everton, but with more finincial resources, which makes you more powerful in the transfer market.
Evertonians depressed with prospect of Ben Haim in exchange >>>>> <a class="postlink" href="http://www.nsno.co.uk/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?783400" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.nsno.co.uk/e107_plugins/foru ... php?783400</a>

That should just be Evertonians depressed. Read it before, we don't rate him either.

I really hope we offload that shitter as part of the deal. That would be 2 crap players of ours dragging them down.

I cant see Moyes agreeing to take him though however desperate they are, shocking player.

So without reading through 50 pages what is new ? Nothing in the press today it would seem.....
There is no room for sentiment in football when it comes to transfers.

Players come , players go some against their will some cannot wait to move on and some don't care either way.

If the shoe was on the other foot I doubt very much Moyes would be handling things any differently.

If we want the player and he wants to come their is little to be gained by holding on to what will be an amount far in excess of what any other premiership club can afford and will pay even if they could afford.

It should be a cash for player deal and should Everton eventually relent the longer they hang on the less time they have for a replacement/s.

Moyes has already said for what its worth that the player and the team is distracted by the situation and while Lescott has a shocker on Saturday as did the team as a whole its best that he comes to City now.

He may turn out to be a flop at City ( no guarantees ) and Moyes will have the last laugh but to defer the inevitable does nobody most of all Lescott any good.

We moved on quickly once we lost our best player to Chelsea and so should Everton and as I recall they moved on pretty quickly without Rooney in a positive manner as well.
stony said:
I can't see Everton fans being happy with this article.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editorial/2009/08/18/1444135/english-angle-footballs-food-chain-are-everton-right-to-deny" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editor ... ht-to-deny</a>

The article is written to be inflamatory. City have more money than Man Utd does that make you bigger than them? City are a big club. Similar in size to Everton, but with more finincial resources, which makes you more powerful in the transfer market.

I didn't say I agreed with it mate. He makes some good points but on the whole it's as you say, designed to be inflammatory.
The article is written to be inflamatory. City have more money than Man Utd does that make you bigger than them? City are a big club. Similar in size to Everton, but with more finincial resources, which makes you more powerful in the transfer market.

The most succinct, accurate and honest post by an Evertonian I've seen on bluemoon. That's why I've been getting peeved with some of the others, who've had a quite condescending attitude.
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