Lescott [Merged]

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not my fault! said:
Was he at the stadium today or was that just Chinese whispers?


Not having a go but how would you know if he was at the game or not? Are the medical team privy to this type of info? If so why would they be? Just asking a general question before anyone jumps down my throat.[/quote]

I would of known, I along with all other medical staff were at the game and we would of known if he was there, also a date for a medical would of been set and again I would know about that.
Simple scousers dont seem to have caught on to the fact this has happened looking at 606 and their usual rancid forums.
keemcfc said:
I was walking home from the wolves match today and I overheard two other fans speaking about Lescott, they said a fee had been agreed and personal terms and a medical should be done by early tomorrow afternoon.

I know its not a lot and they/the person they heard it from were probobly just guessing but it all looks good anyway...

BBC GMR were saying it they had it on good authority that a deal had been struck and were wondering whether Lescott would be introduced to the fans before the game. They seemed very cretain it was all done....
I would of known, I along with all other medical staff were at the game and we would of known if he was there, also a date for a medical would of been set and again I would know about that.

Furry muff.
not my fault! said:
Was he at the stadium today or was that just Chinese whispers?


[/quote]Not having a go but how would you know if he was at the game or not? Are the medical team privy to this type of info? If so why would they be? Just asking a general question before anyone jumps down my throat.[/quote]

Until the deal is signed sealed and delivered and its on the OS then JL would not be allowed to attend a game, I don't have to be in Stu's position to know that! Just imagine City saying what Chesseman said and also allowing JL to attend and then he fails his medical or something daft happens
Dribble said:
keemcfc said:
I was walking home from the wolves match today and I overheard two other fans speaking about Lescott, they said a fee had been agreed and personal terms and a medical should be done by early tomorrow afternoon.

I know its not a lot and they/the person they heard it from were probobly just guessing but it all looks good anyway...

BBC GMR were saying it they had it on good authority that a deal had been struck and were wondering whether Lescott would be introduced to the fans before the game. They seemed very cretain it was all done....

Not done yet. He can't sign without a medical, and trust me that has NOT been done so do not believe anything that says done deal.
Apologies for not updating yesterday was my day off, was going to give you some team news this morning, but didnt have time. As far as Lescott goes we are nearly there so I believe. As far as I can tell a fee has been agreed, so he can now speak with us, personal terms and medical should follow soon.

Had a call before the game today from a very reliable source that Lescott WAS at the stadium prior to the game AND had signed but it will not be announced until at least after the Everton game tomorrow!

I have no reason to doubt the source as she has always be 100% reliable with info in the past...we shall wait and see!!!

I was walking home from the wolves match today and I overheard two other fans speaking about Lescott, they said a fee had been agreed and personal terms and a medical should be done by early tomorrow afternoon.

I know its not a lot and they/the person they heard it from were probobly just guessing but it all looks good anyway...

Theyre coming in thick and fast! Theyre MUST be something going on!

I doubt a medical will be done tomorrow, not that I am ruling it out, but it has never happened on a Sunday before so I would be surprised....
Robinho signed without a medical!
Also I know for a fact that players do attend games before a move... I have mates in the game who have done it. Not saying he was there but it wouldnt suprise me in the slightest if he had been and tbh you see players at games all the time when they are not playing, Rio goes to watch his bro sometimes as an example.
stu9488 said:
I doubt a medical will be done tomorrow, not that I am ruling it out, but it has never happened on a Sunday before so I would be surprised....

Don't be too surpirsed if it does happen tomorrow!!! Gollum may just do a u-turn and want his 'Precioussssssss' back! lol :-)
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