Lescott [Merged]

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<a class="postlink" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/everton/6073399/Everton-agree-to-sell-Joleon-Lescott-for-24m-to-Manchester-City.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footba ... -City.html</a>

Everton have finally given in to Manchester City's long-running pursuit of Joleon Lescott but will report the Eastlands club to the Premier League over their conduct in the months it has taken to agree a £24 million deal.
City inquired about signing Lescott in the January transfer window and followed up that interest with two bids, worth £15 million and £18 million, during the close-season that were rejected by the Everton manager, David Moyes, who rebuffed a transfer request from the player 13 days ago.

Moyes was infuriated by City's behaviour and branded their attempts to sign Lescott as "disgusting", while the club's captain Phil Neville was also critical of their conduct.
The Scot was adamant Lescott would not be allowed to leave Goodison Park and the former Wolves defender played in last Saturday's 6-1 defeat at Arsenal, despite asking to be left out the day before, but was subsequently dropped from the squad for Thursday's 4-0 victory over Sigma Olomouc due to his attitude.

Moyes, whose side face Burnley at Turf Moor this afternoon, reluctantly changed his mind about the deal and has decided to sell for a fee Everton are satisfied with. But the saga will not end there, with the Merseyside club set to contact the Premier League to complain about City.

They could cite the example of Ashley Cole's bitter move from Arsenal to Chelsea in 2005 which was followed by the Stamford Bridge club being found guilty of an illegal approach, fined £300,000 and given a suspended three-point penalty.

Moyes remains bitterly disappointed about losing a player he picked up from the Championship three years ago and helped turn into an England international but, despite his earlier reluctance, he was left with little choice but to sanction Lescott's departure.

"It's been difficult because Joleon's attitude has been so poor and it's had an effect and that's why we've had to leave him out," Moyes said. "Obviously we'd rather have him playing but if a player is going to behave in the manner he did, we've had no choice but to keep him away from it.

"You could see the effect that it had last week. I think it's played a big part behind the scenes.

"Joleon had told me on the Friday when he came in that he didn't want to play but I had no options and few choices so I chose to ignore it and play him but in the end it worked against me so I've taken the decision."

Phil Jagielka is out injured until November and Moyes, having spent the summer in a fruitless search for reinforcements, may struggle to make additions.

Moyes, who pulled out of a move for Arsenal's Phillipe Senderos and has also inquired about Newcastle's Steven Taylor, will consider bidding for the Republic of Ireland international centre-back in the next few days.

The Everton manager has secured a work permit for Argentinian Ever Banega and hopes to sign the Valencia midfielder on a season-long loan deal this week.
The Fixer said:
So stu, Lescott was not at todays game? very fcuking strange that mate, i've had a great day met some great people inclusive of our gaffers wife at city today and you my son have confirmed what i thought.

I have been told he was there too bud.
The Fixer said:
So stu, Lescott was not at todays game? very fcuking strange that mate, i've had a great day met some great people inclusive of our gaffers wife at city today and you my son have confirmed what i thought.

mate, sorry to sound a bit think here, are you being sarcastic, as in you saw him at the ground?
Glutton4Punishment said:
I'm still here, still bored, wish to god they'd get it over with. Been on hols for the last fortnight and followed the horrible saga from there. Candidly, he's shown his true colours and I really dont think he's worth fighting over anymore. I hope that we get plenty of cash for some much needed right flank reinforcements and another championship CB!

I have a feeling that he will live to regret this, not the £££ obviously but I think that Jags flattered him last year, with Terry next to him he'd be fine but without I geniunely dont think he's an improvement on what you've got. I predict that he'll be replaced next summer by a better CB.

The whole sorry saga has really made me question football and what its become..... Before you jump down my throat, I'm not having a dig at City, I just think the whole episode has been apauling from the start. Hughes' arrogance, Moyes' pig headedness and the unprofessional behaviour of the player - not to mention our arsewipe of a Chairman and his typical obviscation of responsibility - he let the whole thing develop without intervening - possibly he needs a few quid for a new show.....

Best of luck for the rest of the season - there have been some great comments - and some utter shite.... but enjoy the fairytale this season.....

You sound like a decent bloke, and I can't blame you for this ... but you can really hear the bitterness and jealousy coming through there old boy!
not my fault! said:
The Fixer said:
So stu, Lescott was not at todays game? very fcuking strange that mate, i've had a great day met some great people inclusive of our gaffers wife at city today and you my son have confirmed what i thought.

I have been told he was there too bud.

Mate, he was there, that is all!! stu give up the game!
As much as you might be right on this Fixer, Stu has been 100% on all medical details he's given here. He's the most ITK of any posters I see claiming to be that. He might be wrong about JL being at the ground today but I expect City would have kept that very quiet as to not piss off Everton even more.

This one thing doesn't remove the fact Stu has given us all lots of great information on here in the past and hopefully he will in future.
Dillon said:
As much as you might be right on this Fixer, Stu has been 100% on all medical details he's given here. He's the most ITK of any posters I see claiming to be that. He might be wrong about JL being at the ground today but I expect City would have kept that very quiet as to not piss off Everton even more.

This one thing doesn't remove the fact Stu has given us all lots of great information on here in the past and hopefully he will in future.

Sorry mate your sooooooo wrong, stop being had by this joker he's mugging you off!
Your entitled to your opinion but wherever Stu gets his information, even if he doesn't work for MCFC he's always bang on (with the medical stuff). He's told us on here plenty of times that medicals are happening and they do.
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