Let it be known

Fucking hell, I got used to it being hughes (him and baconface hating each other helped a lot), but if gary neville managed us I would seriously think about sending back my season ticket!
City fan of 46 years so how do I feel.....

Every manager who has come through the revolving doors of Maine Rd and COMS have always had my unswaying support for the 90 mins of the game, I doubt I have ever jeered or booed a manager or even a player in all those years and always always save my opinions until after the game where there is time to digest what has happened, so, what has happened!

For me Hughes was OK, I wasn't a Hughes outer, some of his tactics and substitutions were poor but generally I think he did OK, I don't think he deserved to go one step away from Wembley and 6th with a game in hand.

I think the problem was he was never the owners choice so the writing was always going to be on the wall for him, all they needed was an excuse and 2 wins in 11 was just the job.

As for Mancini, this is now a completly different kettle of fish, he IS now the owners choice so what happens if Stoke come and beat us next week, players heads go even lower and we go on a run of 10 games without a win including some defeats instead of draws, what happens God forbid when the rags beat us twice in the CC. Do the owners kick another manager out?

My biggest fear here is that Mancini won't be the right choice, as my earlier paragraph states I will support him and his team selections to the hilt but I fear for the future if he gets it wrong, no worries that we could get another decent manager, Jose, Gus or someone of that ilk but the fact that my beloved CITY is a laughing stock yet again is what hurts.

On the first day for ages that I could text all my rag mates with "Oh i never felt more like singing the blues" etc etc we even seem to manage to mess things up.

So will we ever have a period of stability where we win back to back leagues, a Euro final, 4 domestic cups in 3 years? I damn well hope so but will it be as much fun, of that i'm not sure! 46 years of supporting CITY, the odd high and many many lows, a period of success maybe hard for my old heart to take!

The owners have bowed to media and certain fans pressure with this decision and the way it was done was a joke.

It has been rushed and may come back to bite them on the arse.

I would just like to ask the Spoilt Brats what target they are giving Mancini?
twinkletoes said:
The owners have bowed to media and certain fans pressure with this decision and the way it was done was a joke.

It has been rushed and may come back to bite them on the arse.

I would just like to ask the Spoilt Brats what target they are giving Mancini?

Proof please?

The owners told you yesterday why he has been sacked so why do you come out with this?
Pigeonho said:
That I am fully behind Mancini, as he is the manager now, the same way I was fully behind Hughes. My rants over the last 12 hours have arose as a result of how we look as a club, not because its Mancini. I don't think he is any better than Hughes, but I hope i'm wrong and he delivers the goods. If we win the CC though, it is HUGHES who won that, so lets not all start sucking Italian sausage if we do win it. I get the feeling that the Hughes Outers on here will now regard the CC as a good cup to win if Mancini delivers it over the next 3 games, but when it was Hughes in charge it was treated as mediocre, but then again I think the Hughes Outer know nothing about football. I just believe our club has changed and has the belief it is now entitled to treat managers in such a way as a Del Bosque was treated at Madrid when he won the CL, then got sacked. I am just really disappointed in how the club went about it, telling Hughes, (so it seems), before the game yesterday that his job was over, even though we are 6th, a game in hand and in the semi's of a cup. It is poor and quite arrogant. Good luck to Mancini though, I hope you deliver. I feel a different kind of City fan today, like I almost want to walk away, but I won't. CTID

I don't agree with a single word of that apart from the first dozen words, which are spot on. WE will let in be known that we are Man City and we stick together. Can't believe the hostility in the press today against us..."barrage of criticism my arse". Pigeonho's first dozen words and the last......CTID. Happy Christmas Blues everywhere.
blueinsa said:
twinkletoes said:
The owners have bowed to media and certain fans pressure with this decision and the way it was done was a joke.

It has been rushed and may come back to bite them on the arse.

I would just like to ask the Spoilt Brats what target they are giving Mancini?

Proof please?

The owners told you yesterday why he has been sacked so why do you come out with this?

They read this forum and actully think, people like us actully have a say and also the media have a impact too, utter bollocks.

I think Khaldoon and the owners have been considering for some time and come to the conclusion like a fair percantage of the support that Hughes wasn't up to the job and likely never would be.

I think they ignore the media and probably again like us think whats written is on the whole a load of bullshit written by hacks.

Mancini will be given then rest of the season and more than likely all next season why people think you need years and years to bring success is a myth, did Wenger or Mourhino needs years? no good managers who have good players at their disposal should bring good results.
Maineblue said:
blueinsa said:
Proof please?

The owners told you yesterday why he has been sacked so why do you come out with this?

They read this forum and actully think, people like us actully have a say and also the media have a impact too, utter bollocks.

I think Khaldoon and the owners have been considering for some time and come to the conclusion like a fair percantage of the support that Hughes wasn't up to the job and likely never would be.

I think they ignore the media and probably again like us think whats written is on the whole a load of bullshit written by hacks.

Mancini will be given then rest of the season and more than likely all next season why people think you need years and years to bring success is a myth, did Wenger or Mourhino needs years? no good managers who have good players at their disposal should bring good results.

It's an opinion the same as yours so don't get on your high horse or you might get knocked off.
If we win the CC we will have to overcome Utd twice and probably Villa, i'd say it would be all Mancini tbf
If we do win the Carling cup it will be because we fielded a side to beat Man Utd over two legs and A.N.Other in the final.

The fact that we are where we are is undoubtedly in part down to Hughes and the fact that he took the competition seriously, fielding his strongest 11 at every occasion.

Taking nothing away from him we do have to acknowledge that we have not beaten anyone of quality en route, but we can only play and beat what is put before us.

To suggest it is ALL down to Hughes is an interesting view.

I hope all you Hughesophiles will now realise we have taken a momentous (and the right) step and get behind Mancini and stop suggesting we were doing well... The only reason we are 6th is because the Prm is probably the most open it has ever been because all clubs are capable of taking points off one another. Had this been a typical Prem season we would have been well out of the running for top 4.

Now, provided the players are grown up about all this I think Top 4 and the Carling Cup are both realistic targets. I just cant wait to see Mancinis first line up and strategic approach. It will be fascinating.
twinkletoes said:
It's an opinion the same as yours so don't get on your high horse or you might get knocked off.

Says the fellow City fan calling others who have a different opinion as "spoiled brats" and the getting "knocked off" part, I take it that's not a internet warrior threat?

The owners don't take whats said by fans and media as the be all and end all, granted they might take whats said on board but I have faith in their ability to make the right judgements and have to listen to anything but what their own heads and heart says.

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