Let's consolidate English and American

And another thing: Why is it on all the forms I've ever filled out in the USA, why does it never have 'British or English' under Nationality or country of birth? It's always 'United Kingdom'. I absolutely baffled the woman at the Social Security office when I put 'Manchester, England down as place of birth when I applied for my SSN.
I once caused a mild commotion on a flight back to Manc by objecting to announcements by the stewardess (flight attendant) that we were going to "Manchester, United Kingdom" because she repeatedly left out the pause between the first and second words, thus making it sound like the whole land belonged to the rags.
In a diner today I baffled the guy at the counter by asking for a glass of WAR-TER instead of the word for people who work in prisons (gaols, that is.)

Then there's the American insistence on saying "HALF time" and "WORLD Cup" (and more) instead of putting the emphasis on the second word in the pair.

And while we're at it someone needs to sort out the confusion caused by how the British and Yanks write the dates. Day or month first? 7/10 or 10/7?
Good thing D-Day in 1944 was on 6/6.
As Microsoft and all the other tech companies have transferred to a model of licensing their products for an exorbitant annual fee, we should do the same with the English Language.

How much revenue would it raise it we required every English speaker outside of England to pay £12 per year for the privilege? Charge it to the country, with a £30 discount for early payment.

Cue some daily newspaper nicking the idea as an April Fools joke, or an offshore call centre sending fake scam invoices to gullible foreign governments such as Australia.
There isn't any such thing as American, just bad English. Doi we use the term Australian English or Scottish or Welsh English?
There isn't any such thing as American, just bad English. Doi we use the term Australian English or Scottish or Welsh English?
How about Brummie, Scouse, Geordie, Cockerneee, Yocal etc? There isn’t a single version in England let alone as you say, Wales, Sweat or Norn

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