lets get back to the top

southaustralianblue said:
I understand that, but you have to differentiate between ancoats comment and those like kiam on the other thread

Fair enough, Kiam's is far worse. Sorry ancoats.
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
*Hands over tin hat

Mate, I coined the phrase on here "Reds under the bed" syndrome when we were a shit team. Back then it was all "WE're always last on MOTD", "Typical MUEN", "We're never on the back pages/football focus/radio 5" shit. The fanzines were full of it all back in the 80s.

Now it's gone up a gear and it's the world trying to stop us winning the title because they are all United fans.

All football fans think there is an agenda against them.

Case in point

whyalwaysLee said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
*Hands over tin hat

Mate, I coined the phrase on here "Reds under the bed" syndrome when we were a shit team. Back then it was all "WE're always last on MOTD", "Typical MUEN", "We're never on the back pages/football focus/radio 5" shit. The fanzines were full of it all back in the 80s.

Now it's gone up a gear and it's the world trying to stop us winning the title because they are all United fans.

All football fans think there is an agenda against them.

Case in point

dude can you not put that propaganda on a manchester city forum, thanks
Don't be soft, I could have put up Mick McCarthy complaining about the injustice of the press/fa etc...but would anyone take any notice?

Every club thinks the world is against them.

Didsbury Dave said:
Pigeonho said:
*Hands over tin hat

Mate, I coined the phrase on here "Reds under the bed" syndrome when we were a shit team. Back then it was all "WE're always last on MOTD", "Typical MUEN", "We're never on the back pages/football focus/radio 5" shit. The fanzines were full of it all back in the 80s.

Now it's gone up a gear and it's the world trying to stop us winning the title because they are all United fans.

All football fans think there is an agenda against them.

Pigeonho said:
jay_mcfc said:
Pigeonho said:
Forgive me but how will going top be giving the press/media a kick in the bollocks?

Fucking hell Pige, must you come on every thread and slag off blues? I'm somewhere in the middle on the whole 'agenda' business but find some of your posts more irritating than the ones that are actually paranoid. This is a Manchester City message board and if their fans want to feel aggrieved about certain things then it is their right to post it on here without other blues sticking the knife in at every given opportunity. There is, without question, a side to the media that want us to crash and burn. Some of them don't want us to succeed in the same way that some other football fans don't want us to either. That's not to say that the paranoid are right, but they do have a right to express it. Especially here.

Take, for example, Hansen's outburst about 'capitulation' the other night. Now I am one of the few who likes Hansen and I also don't mind pundits speaking their mind. But, after his outburst, if we now win our next two games and go back to the top, do we not in some ways stick two fingers in his direction and say 'what capitulation'?
Eh?! How on earth have I slagged anyone off? I asked how going top will kick the media and press in the bollocks. If I had said, 'how the fuck does it kick them in the bollocks, you ****?', well then yes, fair do's. I didn't though, did I? No, I asked how going top kicks the media and press in the bollocks.

To be fair me saying 'slagging them off' was wrong in this example but my point still stands. The thing is, I generally agree with your views and there is little doubt blues have become paranoid (or remain paranoid as Dave put it later in the thread). I also know most clubs fans feel pretty much the same way. However, your constant responses to people who feel like that are just as bad as the stuff people come out with.

For example, people who have similar opinions to you, and there are a few of them, often say 'why watch Sunday Supplement if you know what they are going to say'?! Well I say why read a thread and then respond if you don't like what is written? Especially on a thread like this which I guess was not an 'agenda' thread but just a stick two fingers up at Hansen and his capitulation comment. Sticking two fingers up at people who have doubted you is what football is all about.

Now if you go to the Kiam06(?) thread, fill your boots ;)
Like everyone, I want us to win these next two games so bad. I'm sick of seeing swamp rat bile wherever I look. They have already won the league, we've bottled it blah blah blah. Yesterday I was just waiting for them to parade the trophy, the way they were going on. These same pricks that haven't been seen or heard for months. I thought I'd be used to it by now, but their arrogance truly knows no bounds. We can do this boys we really can, now is the time to stand up and be counted. Now is the time to battle like we've never battled before, and give them rag cnuts the fight of their lives. How sweet it would be, after all their bile and drivel. We step up and leave them for feckin dust.


der bomber28 said:
Like everyone, I want us to win these next two games so bad. I'm sick of seeing swamp rat bile wherever I look. They have already won the league, we've bottled it blah blah blah. Yesterday I was just waiting for them to parade the trophy, the way they were going on. These same pricks that haven't been seen or heard for months. I thought I'd be used to it by now, but their arrogance truly knows no bounds. We can do this boys we really can, now is the time to stand up and be counted. Now is the time to battle like we've never battled before, and give them rag cnuts the fight of their lives. How sweet it would be, after all their bile and drivel. We step up and leave them for feckin dust.



2nd that

come on time to stand up and be counted
If we win the next two, it's very much game on and it will pile the pressure back on the rags. It would be even better if we could get the wins convincingly, given the standard of the opposition.
Two of our best performances this season, in terms of commitment, spirt and passion have been the second half of the FA Cup game against united and the second half of the Lisbon game. If we are to win the league its this sort of fight we need to show in all the remaining games.

We have the tougher run in, but we also have the better team. We need to be within a point, at least of united when we play them in the league. We can definitely beat them in that game.

Its crucial that we dont lose any more games until the end of the season, draws aren't much of a help either. We've been better than united all season, playing the most attractive football most of us will remember, it'd be a shame for this team not to lift a trophy after what has been a brilliant season.

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