lets get back to the top

Think we're due a good thrashing of someone.

Think the last time we really thumped someone in the league was 5-1 v Norwich, that was ages ago.
Blue Mooner said:
Strange how pidgeonho and DD take what is a reasonable point about wanting to ram the criticism of certain pundits back down their throats - a perfectly reasonable point and turn it into an 'agenda' thread.

The fact they were so completely owned on that thread by merely rubbishing valid points rather than producing decent evidence that would be so compelling as to disprove that view that there is an anti-city agenda across every footballing body thatthey feel the need to regurgitate their weak points again.

Whether it be from ffp, retrospective bans, city being near the top of the fouls conceded table, bottom of the fouls won, 1 sending off against us all season to the rags 6, numerous of our players sent off to the rags 1 and I could go on and on but oh no its all fair and above board and we're being paranoid. No, we're going off the evidence and reaching a sound conclusion.

I just wish i had enough time to devote to this board as they seem to as ridiculing city fans valid points seems to be a full time job for agents DD and pigeonho.....
First of all, we weren't 'owned'. Kids in playgrounds get owned, not grown men on a football forum.
Secondly, I have created threads regarding 'evidence', and not one person, even the most paranoid of the lot, have been able to provide anything which proves an agenda exists to stop us at all costs. I'll ask again:

Who are the instructions to stop us dished out? Is it by letter? If so why haven't any such documents been found? Do the powers that be from FIFA, down to UEFA, then to the FA and PL have some kind of code system which the refs have learned to read? Does a message go out on the 1st of August each year saying, 'ensure City are stopped'?

If such documents exist, why haven't one of the refs looked at it and thought, 'you know what fellas, i'm going to blab and make myself an instant millionaire, saving myself from the heckles of 30+k people week in, week out'?

What have the powers that be got to gain by stopping us? What have we done to anyone?

That is the kind of proof which would prove an agenda, but so far not one solitary piece of paper/email/recorded message or indeed code have surfaced to prove that we must be stopped at all costs.

On that basis, there is no agenda and those soft enough to believe there is, to me, have small club syndrome and actually believe we won't succeed, using this agenda namby pamby as the excuse.
I can see it now, a low ranking FA official accidentally leaves the "agenda against Man City white paper" on the tube after a night on the piss.

In reality there is agendas all over the place without written documentation, and they are impossible to prove. Refs have an agenda to protect their own interests, giving a decision against the rags will see them criticised, and potentially banned from the biggest games. It's human nature for them to err on the side of the rags.

The FA has an agenda to avoid criticism of their actions and decisions, IMO that agenda is set by the media.

The media is so full of agendas and favourites, but ultimately they exist to sell their product.

All of these affect Man City without there being a specific agenda against Man City.
moomba said:
All of these affect Man City without there being a specific agenda against Man City.[/quote]

Were the supporters of Arsenal during their successful period and their invincibles season saying that comment? No, they didn't blab about refereeing conspiracies and the 'bloody FA'. They just got on with it, played their football (Which was the best at the time) and won trophy after trophy and dispatching team after team with relative ease.

Then we have the Chelsea period. Boy didn't they have a successful period not so long ago. Did you hear them blab? Nope. Again, they got on with it. Played the right stuff and won trophy after trophy.

Now we find City are getting close to such a stance in the Premier League that Arsenal & Chelsea have once held. You've been playing better football for most of the season yet the tiniest of wobbles after being in such a commanding position has lead to panicky bums voicing silly statements that the footballing empire is out to get them.

Just do what Arsenal & Chelsea did yeah? Don't leave it to excuses, just win the bloody trophies. After all - You, I and a many a rival fan know you are good enough.
message to the op

theres defo a few blues on this thread who you wouldnt want next to you in the trenches!!! fook me talk about negative...probably the same "blues" who never sing...hate the poznan.. say no to safe standing..moan about wot songs are being sang..blah blah blah.. ohh and dont forget the media always give city favourable and un biased coverage.
sjk2008 said:
Were the supporters of Arsenal during their successful period and their invincibles season saying that comment? No, they didn't blab about refereeing conspiracies and the 'bloody FA'. They just got on with it, played their football (Which was the best at the time) and won trophy after trophy and dispatching team after team with relative ease.

Then we have the Chelsea period. Boy didn't they have a successful period not so long ago. Did you hear them blab? Nope. Again, they got on with it. Played the right stuff and won trophy after trophy.

I would say that Arsenal and Chelsea have both been the beneficiary over the years of the same sort of Sky 4 refereeing that the rags (and Liverpool) get. And I bet that their supporters also talk about refereeing decisions, just as all supporters do (even Oldham ones).

Now we find City are getting close to such a stance in the Premier League that Arsenal & Chelsea have once held. You've been playing better football for most of the season yet the tiniest of wobbles after being in such a commanding position has lead to panicky bums voicing silly statements that the footballing empire is out to get them.

Just do what Arsenal & Chelsea did yeah? Don't leave it to excuses, just win the bloody trophies. After all - You, I and a many a rival fan know you are good enough.

Who is panicking? It's just debate of an issue on the internet. It will have no bearing on our results. And I've never mentioned conspiracies, or the football empire being out to get us. In fact I've specifically stated that I don't think there is a specific agenda against Man City.
moomba said:
sjk2008 said:
Were the supporters of Arsenal during their successful period and their invincibles season saying that comment? No, they didn't blab about refereeing conspiracies and the 'bloody FA'. They just got on with it, played their football (Which was the best at the time) and won trophy after trophy and dispatching team after team with relative ease.

Then we have the Chelsea period. Boy didn't they have a successful period not so long ago. Did you hear them blab? Nope. Again, they got on with it. Played the right stuff and won trophy after trophy.

I would say that Arsenal and Chelsea have both been the beneficiary over the years of the same sort of Sky 4 refereeing that the rags (and Liverpool) get. And I bet that their supporters also talk about refereeing decisions, just as all supporters do (even Oldham ones).

As DD mentioned earlier. All supporters believe decisions go against them. It's only natural to have tinted specs on about decisions against stacking up more than decisions in favour. But for people to suggest it's agenda material is bordering on paranoia.

Now we find City are getting close to such a stance in the Premier League that Arsenal & Chelsea have once held. You've been playing better football for most of the season yet the tiniest of wobbles after being in such a commanding position has lead to panicky bums voicing silly statements that the footballing empire is out to get them.

Just do what Arsenal & Chelsea did yeah? Don't leave it to excuses, just win the bloody trophies. After all - You, I and a many a rival fan know you are good enough.

Who is panicking? It's just debate of an issue on the internet. It will have no bearing on our results. And I've never mentioned conspiracies, or the football empire being out to get us. In fact I've specifically stated that I don't think there is a specific agenda against Man City.

I wasn't suggesting that you specifically were siding with the Agenda brigade, It was mainly a response to the main. However, your comment about a number issues adding up to effect Man City without there being a specific agenda against Man City I still feel can be said about every club in the league as that's what clubs fand believe. If you ask Arsenal, Chelsea & even United you will hear them berate decision and often say many things go against them. That's my point in general really. Now City are finally in the big picture and as fans aren't use to the expectation that you have now earned(sp?) by performing the way you have, laying the entire blame for any impending failure this season on officiating/agendas and conspiracies is a little extreme and something I would more associate to the horrendous forum that is RAWK. Plus, IMO a 2nd place finish this season wouldn't be a failure btw.
DD loves to make out that blues on here are idiots, and there is more than a few that seem to be delight in painting anyone that dares criticise the referees as deluded.

I'm not a believer in the "it all evens out in the end" concept. And I do think that this season we have had the rough end of the stick more often than not. I also believe that clubs are not judged equally by the referees (for reasons I've already given).

Referees do make bad decisions, just as players make bad decisions. Every supporter (even rags) will be able to point to examples where they've been disadvantaged by the refereeing. But it's not a matter of tinted specs, I think you'd have to have blacked out specs not to see that certain sides are favoured by referees, and the officials in general. That doesn't mean there is any overt agenda for or against specific sides.

Some would rather that isn't discussed on here, personally I think it warrants discussion so long as we can avoid the name calling and dismissive attitudes from both sides of the debate.
ordloverocket thanks and spot on

Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum
it was a rallying cry to the fans thats all

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