Lets Not Boo The Champions League Jingle

Yeh let's not boo an anthem that represents a multi billion pound family that then allows tax payers to foot the bill for a coronation/wedding/funeral that runs to several hundred millions!
Boo the sponging bastards as loud as you can.
Also pays to prevent a nonce from facing justice, what a great family
This is the correct answer. Uefa nicked a piece of music and turned it into a jingle. If I want to boo an advert on the telly I will, and anywhere else.
Yeh let's not boo an anthem that represents a multi billion pound family that then allows tax payers to foot the bill for a coronation/wedding/funeral that runs to several hundred millions!
Boo the sponging bastards as loud as you can.
Also pays to prevent a nonce from facing justice, what a great family
Not sure it’s that anthem that this thread is about!

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