Lets turn the swamp blue!!

Del_Bosque said:

Football fan given three-year ban at Chester Magistrates Court after admitting throwing smoke bombs during FA Cup tie between Chester City and Barrow

Jan 14 2010 by Ben Coulbeck, Chester Chronicle

A FOOTBALL fan has been banned from attending matches for three years after throwing smoke bombs on to the pitch at Chester City FC.

Chester Magistrates Court heard on Monday how Barrow FC fan Jonathan Mangas, 23, hurled two purple smoke canisters after his side scored during October’s FA Cup fourth-round clash at the Deva Stadium.

The court heard how Mangas, a second-year visual arts student at the University of Manchester, who also works on behalf of the club to produce graphic design work, had thrown the smoke bombs “to add some colour and atmosphere”.

Richard Simm, defending, also said that Mangas, whose family is Portuguese, had wanted to send a message to the then chairman of Chester City, Stephen Vaughan.

Mr Simm said: “There is history between the two clubs for the simple reason that he (Vaughan) used to be the chairman at Barrow.

“When Barrow scored, in his excitement, Mr Mangas has discharged these smoke canisters. He hasn’t intended to cause disruption and he has never been involved with football hooliganism. In hindsight, it was a foolish action on his part.”

The court heard how another Barrow supporter had initially been identified as the offender but that Mr Mangas had “gone to extraordinary lengths” to contact the man in question and admitted responsibility to Barrow’s football liaison officer.

Mr Mangas, who lives in Salford, received a three-year football banning order which prevents him from being within 300m of Barrow’s Holker Street Stadium during matches or within 10 miles of a national stadium when England or Wales are playing.

He must also surrender his passport when England or Wales play abroad and he was fined £30 and ordered to pay £55 costs.

Bear this in mind when thinking of launching anything on the pitch

Barrow FC? No disrespect, but i think it'd be easy to spot someone in a group of 10 rather than a group of 9k
shall we ask monsour to pay for a light to light their stand up with a blue moon ???? united could do with a bit of cash hahaha
this would be good and look like there easily made <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz9ZFwKlhnk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz9ZFwKlhnk</a> just swap the orange dye for blue and its a winner!!!
i can safely say if i or my family were hurt during this stupid exercise with the smoke bombs i would definatly say who threw it and set it off, be him blue red or polka dot! and you do know that the gmp have a really crack team of cyber detectives and everytime you post/log on to this site you leave your ip address witch they can use to find you! so it may not be a good idea to start saying your gonna turn city terroist for the night! coz if they find any sort of granade\explosive on your person thats what the will try you with!
I understand that a lot of you just want to have fun and think that chucking smoke bombs will be class and all that, but do you not realise that it will just give the media another stick to beat us with and that you will make our fans look like hooligans. I am sure it would look bazzin with blue smoke on their pitch but I would rather read about us going to a cup final the next day instead of reading how our fans are scum and should get kicked out of the cup for endangering others (which is the spin they will put on it), I know you think it will be great but can you honestly not see past the childish idea of oneupsmanship because they had flares at our ground to see that the smoke bombs are a bad idea?

What ever you all decide to do I hope you enjoy the game and COME ON CITY
geek said:
i can safely say if i or my family were hurt during this stupid exercise with the smoke bombs i would definatly say who threw it and set it off, be him blue red or polka dot! and you do know that the gmp have a really crack team of cyber detectives and everytime you post/log on to this site you leave your ip address witch they can use to find you! so it may not be a good idea to start saying your gonna turn city terroist for the night! coz if they find any sort of granade\explosive on your person thats what the will try you with!
The big scary GMP are going to sort us out, the same GMP who can't sort out sixteen year old hoodies on a Tuesday night going home after the youth club!!
Ed68 said:
BatBlue said:
I am sure it would look bazzin with blue smoke on their pitch

Nice use of the word there fella - not heard that for years;-)

In our family we tend to use that word a lot. I don't know why, must be that my dad uses it alot, so me and my sister do,......sad realy given that we are 27 and 40 respectivly. I do like the word though.

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