Lets turn the swamp blue!!

piffy on a rock bun said:
Norb said:
So when some poor little lad ends up with 3rd degree burns to their hands, because they tried to "get a grip" of one of your smoke bombs, then it's not your responsibility?

Commercial smoke candles recommend a 5m safe radius to people or combustible items

Norb, would it be possible for you to bring approx 9000 sets of safety goggles, ear plugs, knee pads, Hard hats & gloves, also a full set of health & safety regulations might come in usefull, maybee if you could stand at the front & read out loud the relevant sections re smoke bombs before the game? cheers.

bluerichwit said:
bluemoon27 said:
i intend throwing it onto the pitch for starters and i have tried one out yesterday and i picked the thing up so burns are impossible,the only thing i will say the blue smoke does throw out loads of blue dust so if people get asthma from it im sorry
ive got asthma but i dont give a toss, bring on the smoke :-)

f lol
bluerichwit said:
bluemoon27 said:
i intend throwing it onto the pitch for starters and i have tried one out yesterday and i picked the thing up so burns are impossible,the only thing i will say the blue smoke does throw out loads of blue dust so if people get asthma from it im sorry
ive got asthma but i dont give a toss, bring on the smoke :-)

tbh my eyes are that toss that it will make no difference to me, could let one off next to me and I wouldnt see the fecking thing
Norb said:
Shaggy said:
Does Norb work for the Deparment of Fun Killing or the Health And Safety Executive as it is also known, Does he/she or himshe do a risk assement a couple of days prior to every match, or in every day life situations, i.e, "hmm its thursday, fancy a cup of tea on saturday morning 9am, better start planning now" lol

No I don't work for the HSE.
I have had to do COSHH assessments in the past.

I'm obviously not as big a City fan as the rest of you, and I'm denying a "proper blue" a chance to go to the swamp, by having bought a ticket using the loyalty points that I've amassed over the CoMS years by having arrived there a Regular season ticket holder, and attending nearly every home cup game, and a few aways too.

but obviously what marks me out, is that I go to the match to watch City, to support the players on the field, for the football.
I cheer on the City players.
I sing songs about City.
I applaud when City show good football.
I groan when City lose the ball.
I don't go to sing songs about the rags, and especially not songs that mention "Munich".
I don't go to the match to stand up.
I don't go to the match to watch the opposing fans.
I don't go to the match to slag our own players off.
and I certainly don't go to the match to be involved in public disorder, whether or not it was started by the home fans, or the away fans, or whether it is "finishing what the other lot started".

I'd like an answer from anyone that cares to post, would you rather that I stay home on Wednesday night, leaving an empty seat in the City end, one less voice cheering on the blues?
Do I not have the right to express my wish that the papers have only got the result to talk about on Thursday morning?
This club prides itself on being family friendly, where women and children could feel safe going to the match. Would you all rather things returned to the 80s?

PPE on (I don't have a tin hat)

you enjoy the game might, you might be a bit serious minded but you are still PROPER BLUE (maybe a bit too blue on occasions.....)
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.chesterchronicle.co.uk/chester-city-fc/chester-city-fc-news/2010/01/14/football-fan-given-three-year-ban-at-chester-magistrates-court-after-admitting-throwing-smoke-bombs-during-fa-cup-tie-between-chester-city-and-barrow-59067-25595526/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.chesterchronicle.co.uk/chest ... -25595526/</a>

Football fan given three-year ban at Chester Magistrates Court after admitting throwing smoke bombs during FA Cup tie between Chester City and Barrow

Jan 14 2010 by Ben Coulbeck, Chester Chronicle

A FOOTBALL fan has been banned from attending matches for three years after throwing smoke bombs on to the pitch at Chester City FC.

Chester Magistrates Court heard on Monday how Barrow FC fan Jonathan Mangas, 23, hurled two purple smoke canisters after his side scored during October’s FA Cup fourth-round clash at the Deva Stadium.

The court heard how Mangas, a second-year visual arts student at the University of Manchester, who also works on behalf of the club to produce graphic design work, had thrown the smoke bombs “to add some colour and atmosphere”.

Richard Simm, defending, also said that Mangas, whose family is Portuguese, had wanted to send a message to the then chairman of Chester City, Stephen Vaughan.

Mr Simm said: “There is history between the two clubs for the simple reason that he (Vaughan) used to be the chairman at Barrow.

“When Barrow scored, in his excitement, Mr Mangas has discharged these smoke canisters. He hasn’t intended to cause disruption and he has never been involved with football hooliganism. In hindsight, it was a foolish action on his part.”

The court heard how another Barrow supporter had initially been identified as the offender but that Mr Mangas had “gone to extraordinary lengths” to contact the man in question and admitted responsibility to Barrow’s football liaison officer.

Mr Mangas, who lives in Salford, received a three-year football banning order which prevents him from being within 300m of Barrow’s Holker Street Stadium during matches or within 10 miles of a national stadium when England or Wales are playing.

He must also surrender his passport when England or Wales play abroad and he was fined £30 and ordered to pay £55 costs.

Bear this in mind when thinking of launching anything on the pitch
i cant see anyone getting these smoke cannisters past the frisk search on the way in. if they do smuggle it in, whoever sparks it off is going to get launched out.
bluemanc said:
warpig said:
i cant see anyone getting these smoke cannisters past the frisk search on the way in. if they do smuggle it in, whoever sparks it off is going to get launched out.
Perhaps we need a bit of reverse logic here,why don't we riot then the Police will fire smoke bombs at us creating just the effect we need.

nice idea but i think they use tear gas nowadays,

besids i wouldnt mind watching the match, not sat in a police cell with a cracked skull!

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