Liam Neeson

Good points but according to him these wernt just inner thoughts but actions. Alternatively I'm beginning to think hes made the whole thing up to promote his film. And now realises the mistake he has made. This is a university educated guy from Ballymena in Antrim. He was acting in his early twenties and quickly moved to London. He wasn't throwing Molotov cocktails on the Falls Road.
It would surely be a monumental act of folly to have made it up,but anything is possible in Hollywood.
Well no I haven’t, I’m often on your side, hence why you posting it in a quote I’m in has wound me up.

Mate, I multi quoted and replied. The initial line above your post was not attached to you.

My response to you is below yours as it is with everyone else.

Maybe I should have put separating dashes in between, but I didn't.

I don't have any probs with you, hence why I said people will know who they are.

But, you know, they're interestingly quiet...
I’ve noticed @Bigga often gets veiled flack on here because some folk know he’s a black guy so they think @Bigga is working some sort of ‘race angle’
That thread is a perfect example of it. If you read what is suggested on there you’d think @Bigga had started a Black Panther thread where he is going OTT about how great it is just because it’s about a black superhero.
His response after the nonsense is posted wraps it up perfectly.

Thank you, Mach!

I have met @Bigga on a few occasions years ago and I can confirm he's black, lacks defensive qualities in a 5 a side team, and what he lacks in height, he makes up for with a wonderful smile.

A) Correct

B) Better now, actually now I'm not as fat!

C) Small things, big in package!

D) You saved this post!!

And, can I say, you actually made me laugh??

I think I'm unwell...
Rosanne Barr, Mel Gibson, Hulk Hogan, Charlie Sheen and now Liam Neeson.

I don't know which one offends me more.

Oh...@Bigga. I'm so glad it's just white people who are racist. Makes it so much easier.

I do think the problem is that yes all those people may have escaped the wrath of the system because they are money generators. Whereas your common or garden non profit generating racist is left hanging out to dry with reports that the Met are institutionally racist which leaves them with no chance of resurrecting their reputation.
Um... I'm sure there's a point in there, somewhere...??
Just pointing out that you said none of your ethnic minority friends would use the word "Indian" or "chinky". Or indeed "jock".

I have a mate at work, West Indian, who says that racism can only be between a white person and a black person.

When I pointed out Japan/ China, England/ Scotland, England/ Germany, US/ Mexico etc etc he said that didn't count.

He was very vocal about this. Very.

You sounded a bit like him.

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