Life after death? Your thoughts?

ElanJo said:
If a parent really believed in an afterlife they would kill their children at a young age. Sure, the parent would get sent to Hell but their children would be guaranteed a place in Heaven. Once dead there'd be no chance of their child discovering reason and logic and becoming an atheist (or converting to one of those wrong religions).

Religious parents don't do this however and it's because they don't really believe the crap they say they do.

Or perhaps they take the slightly less radical option of bringing their kids up according to their religion and hoping they all make it to heaven.
I'll just leave this here:

In 2008, intelligence researcher Helmuth Nyborg examined whether IQ relates to denomination and income, using representative data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth, which includes intelligence tests on a representative selection of white American youth, where they have also replied to questions about religious belief. His results, published in the scientific journal Intelligence demonstrated that on average, Atheists scored 1.95 IQ points higher than Agnostics, 3.82 points higher than Liberal persuasions, and 5.89 IQ points higher than Dogmatic persuasions.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... telligence</a>
BulgarianPride said:
Cry Me A Weaver said:
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
Being with God forever sounds good to me

If this part of life we are currently experiencing is temporary and without God (you must be without God if it takes a leap of faith to believe in him), what is preventing you from rushing to the next "after life" part which is eternal and with God, in other words, infinitely better than this life experience.

Are you are suggesting that he just ends his "this part of life", i.e suicide? You will find that the scholars that came up with the bible have covert that. In most religions suicide is a mortal sin therefor you go hell. But according to wiki

I wasn't suggesting he actually tried to comit suicide. As I have many doubts over the possibility of an "after life", I sincerely hope no one tries in the search for everlasting peace. I am curious though as to why it isn't an option.

As you have rightly pointed out, putting a subclause in the bible forbidding such acts is perhaps necessary to prevent everyone from joining up to great everlasting party in the sky too early. Thank god they did or I may never have got here.

It does pose another question though, why would you want to spend so much time with a god that has so many rules, and is all too happy to condem people to damnation for the slightest indescression?
how about? your soul lives... moving from host to host retaining memories of certain things but never the experiences..... which might explain why sometimes we do things naturally when in reality its the first time we have done it in this life.
so this life is only a mere chapter on the story of your soul.

then in an accumulation of unknown tasks would render you fit for the afterlife.... until then you re in limbo between all good and bad spirits.

me i m gonna live forever so there


crazy!!!!! ;)
SWP's back said:
pauldominic1 said:
SWP's back said:
Wow Paul, ever thought of studying history as 20 century wars would not appear a strong point.


I never said it was *the causal relationship* as if the origin of species + Nietszche = world war one.

Empire building, diplomatic alliances, Balkan politics, the Royal families of Europe and Russia and maybe jealousy of the British empire were more important factors.

My point is that Creationism is a historical response from the American ambassador to Berlin hearing German Philosophers take the implications of "survival of the fittest" up to the level of a Nation.
Paul, you talk balls once again. Creationism was around before Darwin. It's called Genesis and you wrote:
Can I point out once again that CREATIONISM is a historical response to the excesses of German Philosophers who took Darwin's teachings way too far leading to the first world war.

Which is not true at all. You couldn't be more wrong. You coul try but you would not succeed.

Oh yes he can :) As you didn't pick him up on this bit I'd just like to point out that the German philosophers were influenced by an american concept known as "Manifest Destiny"....PD it's about time you really started to question what you think you know.
Some sites on the internet say that humans have been around for 200,000 years.

Question 1. What was the reason for God sending Jesus to live on earth circa 2000 years ago?

Question 2. Using the 200,000 years as an estimate if reincarnation is to be believed, does that mean i have been 'reborn' and lived about 2,800 times?
(200,000 years divided by average 70 years of life)
C17Y AS said:
Some sites on the internet say that humans have been around for 200,000 years.

Question 1. What was the reason for God sending Jesus to live on earth circa 2000 years ago?

Question 2. Using the 200,000 years as an estimate if reincarnation is to be believed, does that mean i have been 'reborn' and lived about 2,800 times?
(200,000 years divided by average 70 years of life)

1. He didn't.

2. No.
Cheesy said:
C17Y AS said:
Some sites on the internet say that humans have been around for 200,000 years.

Question 1. What was the reason for God sending Jesus to live on earth circa 2000 years ago?

Question 2. Using the 200,000 years as an estimate if reincarnation is to be believed, does that mean i have been 'reborn' and lived about 2,800 times?
(200,000 years divided by average 70 years of life)

1. He didn't.

2. No.

i try to stay open minded, but i do think the only life after death is the maggots eating our bodies.

sounds good to me :D

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