Life after death? Your thoughts?

pauldominic1 said:
SWP's back said:
Wow Paul, ever thought of studying history as 20 century wars would not appear a strong point.


I never said it was *the causal relationship* as if the origin of species + Nietszche = world war one.

Empire building, diplomatic alliances, Balkan politics, the Royal families of Europe and Russia and maybe jealousy of the British empire were more important factors.

My point is that Creationism is a historical response from the American ambassador to Berlin hearing German Philosophers take the implications of "survival of the fittest" up to the level of a Nation.
Paul, you talk balls once again. Creationism was around before Darwin. It's called Genesis and you wrote:
Can I point out once again that CREATIONISM is a historical response to the excesses of German Philosophers who took Darwin's teachings way too far leading to the first world war.

Which is not true at all. You couldn't be more wrong. You coul try but you would not succeed.
SWP's back said:
pauldominic1 said:
SWP's back said:
Wow Paul, ever thought of studying history as 20 century wars would not appear a strong point.


I never said it was *the causal relationship* as if the origin of species + Nietszche = world war one.

Empire building, diplomatic alliances, Balkan politics, the Royal families of Europe and Russia and maybe jealousy of the British empire were more important factors.

My point is that Creationism is a historical response from the American ambassador to Berlin hearing German Philosophers take the implications of "survival of the fittest" up to the level of a Nation.
Paul, you talk balls once again. Creationism was around before Darwin. It's called Genesis and you wrote:
Can I point out once again that CREATIONISM is a historical response to the excesses of German Philosophers who took Darwin's teachings way too far leading to the first world war.

Which is not true at all. You couldn't be more wrong. You coul try but you would not succeed.

Can I just point out that history is another social science and therefore almost black and white assertions like these are generally incorrect.

It was a programme on radio 4 that I heard and I would have to do more research to establish more credible references.

Nonetheless its easy to put a few keywords into Google and see the possibility of such a link between Nietszche, Nazi Philosophy, Mein Kampf and "survival of the fittest".

Remember that humanity has an inherent desire to learn more and we understand more than they did on everything in the 19th century.

p.s. I've just discovered another bluemoon option which is the reason for this reply.
pauldominic1 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
I am an evangelical Christian. I believe the Holy Spirit is active in the world today.

Do you also believe that the devil exists?
And in the concept of heaven and hell?

Theology is changing on this subject.

Black and White is rarely the correct answer at these levels of complexity.

The current thinking is that human beings have an orientation towards God also known as their soul and eventually love will win.

No,theology is not changing - heaven and hell are doctrinally hard-wired into the teachings of every christian faith you care to name,so nice attempt to move the theological goalposts into some specious grey area,but ultimately a massive fail.
'These levels of complexity'?
It isn't complex at all - you either believe in the existence of something,(ie,heaven and hell),or you don't - in which case you are swimming against the tide of your own faith.
Your last sentence is truly bizarre,even given its antecedents.
Who's 'current thinking' are you jabbering on about?
'Eventually love will win'?
Based on what,exactly?
I have read better cliches and platitudes on Hallmark greetings cards than this nonsense.
By all means argue your case,but please at least try and stick to the realms of
sanity and reason.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
pauldominic1 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Do you also believe that the devil exists?
And in the concept of heaven and hell?

Theology is changing on this subject.

Black and White is rarely the correct answer at these levels of complexity.

The current thinking is that human beings have an orientation towards God also known as their soul and eventually love will win.

No,theology is not changing - heaven and hell are doctrinally hard-wired into the teachings of every christian faith you care to name,so nice attempt to move the theological goalposts into some specious grey area,but ultimately a massive fail.
'These levels of complexity'?
It isn't complex at all - you either believe in the existence of something,(ie,heaven and hell),or you don't - in which case you are swimming against the tide of your own faith.
Your last sentence is truly bizarre,even given its antecedents.
Who's 'current thinking' are you jabbering on about?
'Eventually love will win'?
Based on what,exactly?
I have read better cliches and platitudes on Hallmark greetings cards than this nonsense.
By all means argue your case,but please at least try and stick to the realms of
sanity and reason.

That is complexity reductionism on the grandest scale I have evah evah seen.

Congratulations NJF!
pauldominic said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
pauldominic1 said:
Theology is changing on this subject.

Black and White is rarely the correct answer at these levels of complexity.

The current thinking is that human beings have an orientation towards God also known as their soul and eventually love will win.

No,theology is not changing - heaven and hell are doctrinally hard-wired into the teachings of every christian faith you care to name,so nice attempt to move the theological goalposts into some specious grey area,but ultimately a massive fail.
'These levels of complexity'?
It isn't complex at all - you either believe in the existence of something,(ie,heaven and hell),or you don't - in which case you are swimming against the tide of your own faith.
Your last sentence is truly bizarre,even given its antecedents.
Who's 'current thinking' are you jabbering on about?
'Eventually love will win'?
Based on what,exactly?
I have read better cliches and platitudes on Hallmark greetings cards than this nonsense.
By all means argue your case,but please at least try and stick to the realms of
sanity and reason.

That is complexity reductionism on the grandest scale I have evah evah seen.

Congratulations NJF!

No,it is logic applied to knowledge allied with common sense.
Sorry if this alien concept leaves you baffled.
And,as per usual,thanks for failing to address every single issue I raised when dismissing your ubiquetous Swiss cheese thinking with infinite ease.
Good thread, lots of bitterness, l like it!

Question to Mods: Could we have a 'Poll: Which are you ''Believer or Athiest''?

With all the threads about God and religion here on BM, I think it'd very interesting to understand what is the percentage of believers to non-believers?
savo said:
Good thread, lots of bitterness, l like it!

Question to Mods: Could we have a 'Poll: Which are you ''Believer or Athiest''?

With all the threads about God and religion here on BM, I think it'd very interesting to understand what is the percentage of believers to non-believers?

Lets be realistic, there haven't been that many threads about religion on BM. Which is good. The majority of BM, at least in off topic are atheists.
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
Being with God forever sounds good to me

If this part of life we are currently experiencing is temporary and without God (you must be without God if it takes a leap of faith to believe in him), what is preventing you from rushing to the next "after life" part which is eternal and with God, in other words, infinitely better than this life experience.

My guess is that you have a slight doubt that the "after life" is all you think it will be, if it exists at all. I would not blame you or think any less of you if you did have any doubts. It is human nature to doubt things we cannot see any evidence for, and the consequences for being wrong would be, well, fatal.
Cry Me A Weaver said:
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
Being with God forever sounds good to me

If this part of life we are currently experiencing is temporary and without God (you must be without God if it takes a leap of faith to believe in him), what is preventing you from rushing to the next "after life" part which is eternal and with God, in other words, infinitely better than this life experience.

My guess is that you have a slight doubt that the "after life" is all you think it will be, if it exists at all. I would not blame you or think any less of you if you did have any doubts. It is human nature to doubt things we cannot see any evidence for, and the consequences for being wrong would be, well, fatal.

Are you are suggesting that he just ends his "this part of life", i.e suicide? You will find that the scholars that came up with the bible have covert that. In most religions suicide is a mortal sin therefor you go hell. But according to wiki

heresy, schism, blasphemy, apostasy, witchery, despair, suicide, fornication, adultery, unnatural carnal sins,* incest, drunkenness, sacrilege, murder, theft, robbery, and every cruel and brutal injury

* Under "unnatural carnal sins" the next is implied: sodomy, bestiality, masturbation, and any unnatural intercourse between married people (such as using contraceptives, consummated oral or consummated anal intercourse, etc.) as is explained in the book "Ascetical Trials", also written by Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov.

masturbation and using condoms is also a moral sin, and you go to hell. So if you want motivation, hell would be a cockfest and heaven full of virgins or milfs. Who has never masturbated? Would a wet dream mean the person goes to hell?
BulgarianPride said:
Cry Me A Weaver said:
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
Being with God forever sounds good to me

If this part of life we are currently experiencing is temporary and without God (you must be without God if it takes a leap of faith to believe in him), what is preventing you from rushing to the next "after life" part which is eternal and with God, in other words, infinitely better than this life experience.

My guess is that you have a slight doubt that the "after life" is all you think it will be, if it exists at all. I would not blame you or think any less of you if you did have any doubts. It is human nature to doubt things we cannot see any evidence for, and the consequences for being wrong would be, well, fatal.

Are you are suggesting that he just ends his "this part of life", i.e suicide? You will find that the scholars that came up with the bible have covert that. In most religions suicide is a mortal sin therefor you go hell. But according to wiki

heresy, schism, blasphemy, apostasy, witchery, despair, suicide, fornication, adultery, unnatural carnal sins,* incest, drunkenness, sacrilege, murder, theft, robbery, and every cruel and brutal injury

* Under "unnatural carnal sins" the next is implied: sodomy, bestiality, masturbation, and any unnatural intercourse between married people (such as using contraceptives, consummated oral or consummated anal intercourse, etc.) as is explained in the book "Ascetical Trials", also written by Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov.

masturbation and using condoms is also a moral sin, and you go to hell. So if you want motivation, hell would be a cockfest and heaven full of virgins or milfs. Who has never masturbated? Would a wet dream mean the person goes to hell?

If a parent really believed in an afterlife they would kill their children at a young age. Sure, the parent would get sent to Hell but their children would be guaranteed a place in Heaven. Once dead there'd be no chance of their child discovering reason and logic and becoming an atheist (or converting to one of those wrong religions).

Religious parents don't do this however and it's because they don't really believe the crap they say they do.

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