Life comes at you fast

The gym is a great place to turn to when it all gets a bit much. Gives you an outlet to release frustrations and exercise releases endorphins to improve your mood temporarily. Good luck mate, that's one hell of a fucking week that would test anyone's constitution. Its normal to be feeling down after that, the fact you are on here already asking for help and advice tells me you are going about it the right way and you will be fine. Hard times pass, they always do.
I second this.

Throughout tough times or even if I've just had a bad day at work, I find a session at the gym to blast away the cobwebs with some earphones in makes a world of difference. Obviously what you're going through is far more severe and heavy than a bad day at work but having something to lose yourself in and focus on can, at least temporarily, lift the mood.

Be alone when you want to be alone. Sometimes you need to be by yourself in your own thoughts just to take stock. But don't let that become habit, reach out and speak to people who care and are just willing to listen.

It's great that you've done it on here, because we're all blues and you know this forum will listen, advise and make an effort to gee you up.

Obviously I don't know who you are and you don't know me, but PM's are always open if you want to vent, chat or take your mind off things by talking about our mutual love of City.

Keep going, it may not feel like it now but things will get better.
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
No tips but I feel for you… Hope you get some good advice
Firstly, I'd give yourself a total detox from the news; come off social media even if it's just for a week or two. And as others have suggested, get to the gym or go for a few light jogs if your body will permit; you'll have a tonne of negative energy and you need to burn it. It sounds dreadfully cliche but time is a great healer. Take things day by day and you will get better.

Stay strong blue.
Sorry to hear that mate. I'm rooting for you.
You're not alone mucker. Just sharing it on here and talking about it is probably the first step to get back on track. Like a previous message stated, stay away from the news and focus on positive things in your life. Keep ya chin up kidda. CTWD.
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
It flies at you mate. Please take care of yourself, it all sounds awful. God bless and be strong, and yes, turn the news off nothing good is happening presently. That will improve. I sincerely hope your situation will to and with a positive mind it will
Within the last 3 days:
A parent diagnosed with cancer, a long term relationship ended, losing my job for reasons outside my control and a family member commiting suicide.

I feel terrible and the constant stream of negativity in the news doesnt exactly help.

Anyone else gone through similar circumstances and have tips on how to overcome negative emotions and move forward, for someone who struggles socially a bit?
Sorry to read this, but well done for posting.

Similar to a few other replies, short term I would suggest:
Swimming each day, or a bike ride, or a run, or a walk - depending on your fitness level, time available or preference. I’m not a swimmer by nature, but it helped me out in similar (but not identical) circumstances in the past. None of these suggestions solve things but they really do help your state of mind esp in the short term.
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For what it's worth, I’ve been through tough times too, and one thing that helped was finding small ways to take care of myself and stay connected with people who understand. Maybe try talking to a therapist or counselor.

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