Linux is it any good.


Well-Known Member
15 Sep 2008
In a gutter somewhere!!
Is it a better operating system than windows? Is it easy to install and would all my data vanish,and do you still need anti-virus with it? I am shite at computers but been told it is better than Windows.
Anyone else use it?
Depends what you want to do, if your not computer savvy linux may become frustrating and limited for you.

I would stick with windows if you haven't got the time or inclination to learn.

You would lose the majority of your programmes but your files should be useable.

I wouldn't say it was better than windows, the same as I wouldn't say windows is better than Osx, it just depends what you want.
Like what's already been said, depends what you're looking for. If it's just for surfing the Internet and playing mp3s and stuff like that then I suggest a Linux operating system called Ubuntu. You can install it in windows, restart your pc, boot into ubuntu and try it out. You will still have windows installed on your computer so don't panic about losing anything.
I setup Ubuntu ( which is free linux os) for my nana who is 75 yrs old on and old laptop I had. She thinks it ace as she has never use windows. Great for office, web and email. If you need it for anything else like burning DVDs, gaming etc stick to windows
firthy81 said:
I setup Ubuntu ( which is free linux os) for my nana who is 75 yrs old on and old laptop I had. She thinks it ace as she has never use windows. Great for office, web and email. If you need it for anything else like burning DVDs, gaming etc stick to windows
Ubuntu burns DVDs etc. out of the box too. Gaming is the biggest drawback, but Valve are releasing Steam on it soon. It's not great for printer support either.
I've been running ubuntu on my laptop for 2 years.

It's faster, more secure and bears any comparison against windows very favourably.

Advice is good though. Keep your windows partition and install it in a separate one.

Then on startup you can choose.<br /><br />-- Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:55 pm --<br /><br />
Irwell said:
firthy81 said:
I setup Ubuntu ( which is free linux os) for my nana who is 75 yrs old on and old laptop I had. She thinks it ace as she has never use windows. Great for office, web and email. If you need it for anything else like burning DVDs, gaming etc stick to windows
Ubuntu burns DVDs etc. out of the box too. Gaming is the biggest drawback, but Valve are releasing Steam on it soon. It's not great for printer support either.

We have a wi-fi printer which detected it quick and simple.

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