The two new candidates Font and Laporta both kind of campaigning even more on the back of Messi videos statements about the huge rebuild needed, Font even promising Xavi as a club legend as manager.
I cannot see if Font takes over and really brings Xavi then Messi will say to Xavi sorry I am out when they actually really can start a rebuild. Money wont be an issue Spanish government will lend them the money again if really needed.
Imagine Laporta even will bring Pep into contention if Pep does not renew with City until March...
He said he will not go back but thats because Rosell, Bartomeu etc, Laporta is a different category for him I am sure.
Thats why I dont really believe all the stuff about their bad financial situation. They have older overpaid, underperforming players, Vidal, Suarez , they need to get rid for sure big salary for not much return. The more mess is cleared now it will be easier for new president. later on.
As we get sooner to the change in board, they will work on Messi to renew or they will promise it to the people who actually will vote.