Live England squad announcement...

An absolute fucking travesty.

I'm now of the genuine belief that the FA are the one's who have the biggest input into the squads rather than the manager himself. Either that, or Hodgson is a spinless twat and my estimations of him have fucking sank to the fucking floor.

1. Now I know Rio is not the same player as he was 5yrs ago but, how on earth, if you were to choose one of Terry or Rio to go, does Terry get precedence?

2. No Walker or Richards? Walker's toe will be fine in a week and Richards is possibly the best RB in the league. How on earth is Jones the back up RB to Johnson who shouldn't even be there himself?

3. No Carrick? Arguably United's best player other than Rooney and despite what many of you blues may think, he should definitely be in the squad at least. I'd start him personally.

4. Stuart fucking Downing? No goals or assists ALL SEASON? Give me Sturridge on the wing anyday, regardless of how greedy he can be at times

5. Gerrard I am less arsed about as I would have him as the experience in the team and probably the captain, but, Lampard? Come on Woy?

Shocking selection.

Roy, you have literally just cemented your position as the Media backlas #1 target when we fail to make the QF's.

This was a perfect time to include your Sturridge's, Richards', Walker's but instead he relies on favourites and tosh.
Not half as bad as was initially being reported.

Micah should be there,a disgrace he isn't.

Downing??? WTF??

Henderson on standby.

AJ on standby, No Micah.

What's Roy playing at.
Not surprised AJ isn't in there, he hasn't done enough imo. Amazed about Micah though, what a joke and can't believe Jones is in. Jones could end up being a very good player but anyone who thinks he is currently better than Micah at right back or even centre back is a fucking fool.
I shall be supporting Spain and hoping David Silva can help them win or Italy to cheer on Super Mario. As for the England team, it is so dreary. They will not even get past the opening group stages, mark my words.

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