liverpool 10-0 1995

went to both games, but will never forget the first one, as a "treat" i bought tickets for me and my 3 kids unfortunately as we were making our way to our seat before kick off my daughter dislocated her knee, so we never saw any of it.
The one and only time I have been to Anfield was for the 6-0 thrashing! I'm pretty sure it probably hasn't changed much since then. I was 15 years old and went with four Liverpool fans, I had to sit in there end as well! Just an awful experience all round, what made it worse, I think I remember on the radio on the way home Alan Ball was interviewed and when asked what he thought of the two performances he said something along the lines of "I've enjoyed Liverpools two performances against us, they have been excellent a real joy to watch" I mean WTF!!!!
The only shining lights of that experience for me were watching the City fans cheer and go crazy when we won a corner, and another City fan also in the Liverpool end near me pissed right up, not hiding his colours and giving plenty of banter to the scousers who just couldnt understand how someone watching there team get totally embarrassed could still keep smiling and cracking the jokes. That man made me proud to be a City fan that day!
Seem to recall (Bearing in mind I was 11 at the time) that Alan Ball said after one of the games, something like "I know it sounds daft, but I enjoyed it, I enjoyed watching Liverpool, they played some great stuff"

Yes Alan, it did sound daft.
went to the 6-0...Immel did have a great game despite the score...which probably says it all. I'm sure it nearly kicked off in the City end with blues arguing with blues about Alan Ball...might have been the football genius song that started it!
funnily enough, these 2 games really brought my attention to city.

Growing up i was never into football that much (rugby is king in my village see boyo), but in august 1995 my long term girlfriend dumped me (the biatch), and to ease the pain, i ended up going out on the lash with my mates again. most were liverpool or united fans, but these 2 games and watching kinkladze brought me to city.

been hooked ever since

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