I expected more from Liverpool by now if i am honest, they don't seem to be any more advanced tactically than this time last season. A few more weeks of this and it would be totally reasonable to say they have stagnated with king klopp of the kop at the helm. They say they are a huge club still so should have no issue attracting the best talent right? They have a few quid from the tv money so can pay the wages. At first they said our owner would be off soon, then it was 'filthy oil money', i assume opposed to the money their american 'investors' have got by selling girl scout cookies and being generally brilliant human beings across the board. So they can't want our ownership structure obviously leaving them with what to blame? Their business model is pure and free of whatever they intimate makes ours so horrid, they like their club as fans more than other humans can like theirs giving them err something good i am sure and king Klopp is the greatest coach alive so why are they not odds on with the bookies or even their own fan base who are not perma pissed on delusion, all six of them? Every player alive wants to play in front of the kop with it's special atmosphere on a thursday evening so it can't be lack of allure.