Liverpool Thread 2014/15

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Another absolute fucking belter on the City thread on RAWK:

Th emore I think about this Bony deal the more I wonder why the fuck we bother.

Basically, City just go in and take another teams best striker, in the middle of the season by wavinga load of cash at them.
By doing this they effectively reduce Swansea to team with an unknown striker (Gomis - good but dont know much) who won't have the firepower to hurt teams that normally they would have.

This January window. Who does it help in the end?

Th epremier league is now officially like the way Scotland used to be. If a player from Kilmarnock scored a hatrick one week, he'd be in hoops or blue the next.

If you really think about it- it can all just fuck off can't it.




“I have absolutely no sympathy for Southampton,” said Rodgers, whose team kick off their campaign against the depleted Saints tomorrow.

“They have a choice as a club. They don’t have to sell. They had that choice. Maybe Southampton’s objectives have changed. They were on course to be a ­Champions League club, I believe, but, obviously, that has changed.

Their utter lack of self awareness is beyond parody.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Another absolute fucking belter on the City thread on RAWK:

Th emore I think about this Bony deal the more I wonder why the fuck we bother.

Basically, City just go in and take another teams best striker, in the middle of the season by wavinga load of cash at them.
By doing this they effectively reduce Swansea to team with an unknown striker (Gomis - good but dont know much) who won't have the firepower to hurt teams that normally they would have.

This January window. Who does it help in the end?

Th epremier league is now officially like the way Scotland used to be. If a player from Kilmarnock scored a hatrick one week, he'd be in hoops or blue the next.

If you really think about it- it can all just fuck off can't it.




“I have absolutely no sympathy for Southampton,” said Rodgers, whose team kick off their campaign against the depleted Saints tomorrow.

“They have a choice as a club. They don’t have to sell. They had that choice. Maybe Southampton’s objectives have changed. They were on course to be a ­Champions League club, I believe, but, obviously, that has changed.

Their utter lack of self awareness is beyond parody.

Astonishing. So astonishing that he surely can't be serious. As if the sanctimonious prick would care for Swansea if Liverpool had signed Bony instead. And if they want to talk about taking a club's best striker in the January transfer window, a certain Andy Carroll springs to mind.
Paul Lake's Left Knee said:
TCIB said:
Where do you even begin with that haha.

No really, i don't even...

You can start by asking what have City ever won? Then say 5 times a lot. Then say bang out of order before reminding him that its still Liverpool's year.

Good points those sir.

It would be a bit like trying to explain a logical process to a not so bright girl who just got dumped.
The replies will be nonsensical drivel spat back at you with venom and tears.

rawk eh/, what a place.
It makes my teeth itch to know we are in the same genus.
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