Liverpool thread 2017/18

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actually two people did get hurt....stewards/coppers - hit by stuff being thrown....I wonder if your club will be seeing "justice" for those hurt....or for the criminal damage caused.

Your club and city has a reputation for violence (city coaches bricked after perfectly observing the silence for the Hillsborough memorial).....your club, fans and city in general are all about taking and not giving anything back...the epitome of what is wrong in the world. Your club and your fans think the footballing world owes them, they seem to think they have some divine right (and i deliberately use the word divine as your club and its followers are often described as a cult and rightly so) to win things and to have everything given to them.

You go on about your history when in reality you mean past success. Your club has no more or less history than any other has had more success in the past granted but that doesn't give you more history than the likes of Preston North End for example.

I for one will pay no more respect to your club or any part of its chequered history ever again (and i have done in the past) but I will no longer give respect when none is returned. I wouldn't go as far as interrupting a silence but i would just go for a drink at the bar and make no attempt to recognise anymore any part of your history.

Some people say its an elelmtn of their support but it a huge majority not a small minority as that would hint doesn't matter where you are whether it be at the football ground or in a pub 100's of miles away....if LFC or on the tv and scouser are int he pub they have this attitude that everyone else who is not supporting them are open targets for either their anger/virtiol or their pisstake when they win..they want to rub everyones noses in it regardless. They are arrogant, bigoted and nasty pieces of work. Where i live there are quite a few scousers and I avoid them. I watched a liverpool game a few years back in the local; it was against a prem team (cant remember who) but it wasn't city but it was the season they were chasing us for the league and Gerrard messed it up for them). They won and the scouser int he ub were just giving it out to everyone....regardless whether they were supporting the team that they ha just beaten or even to people like me ho were just in there to watch the game....They think the world revolves around Liverpool as a place.....News for you scousers...get our and travel a little..Liverpool is a shit hole (city of culture my arse!).....nothing about it is anywhere near as special as you make it out.....
This violence is disturbing. It's the 1st sign of slipping back into the dark days. UEFA must come down on Liverpool hard, after what has happened in the past they must show strength. Stop this behaviour by banning them from the chumps lge next year.
Imagine if another disaster on the scale of Heysal happened again with those pricks?
This is the warning sign that UEFA dare not ignore!
Absolutely agree with all that but I fear EUFA will ignore in terms of coming down hard.
Do one you scrote. Your lot have history of this shit and as soon as it gets media attention you try and down play it. You have no place in modern football - none. Your only saving grace is that UEFA will not have the balls to do what they should and ban you from Europe.
UEFA will ban us though if we cause any sort of incident on tuesday
UEFA will ban us though if we cause any sort of incident on tuesday

We'll certainly get dragged into the mess and get punished accordingly, that's why it's so important nobody over reacts because UEFA will relish the chance to divert attention away from Wednesday.
Oh come on mate.Slight over exagerration?Yes we don't want this sort of stuff seen but no one got hurt did they?Even your star KDB was fine with it.Unless you think this somehow affected the result? Then you are really reaching..

Listen pal I am a Liverpool fan and regardless of whether anyone was hurt or not it was fucking embarrassing. For the record were people were injured but it is not acceptable to throw missiles it is completely unacceptable. Once again a small number off people have given the club and the rest of the LFC fans a bad name. If you don't care how other people perceive you then that is fine but don't think it's alright when behaviour like that occurs because we ALL get tarnished with the same brush.
Listen pal I am a Liverpool fan and regardless of whether anyone was hurt or not it was fucking embarrassing. For the record were people were injured but it is not acceptable to throw missiles it is completely unacceptable. Once again a small number off people have given the club and the rest of the LFC fans a bad name. If you don't care how other people perceive you then that is fine but don't think it's alright when behaviour like that occurs because we ALL get tarnished with the same brush.
As many have pointed out already, it wasn’t a small number of people though was it? The attack on the bus went on for a sustained period and the hundreds there watching were culpable by doing fuck all to stop the missile barrage as were the police and as were that shitty scummy club that you support.
As many have pointed out already, it wasn’t a small number of people though was it? The attack on the bus went on for a sustained period and the hundreds there watching were culpable by doing fuck all to stop the missile barrage as were the police and as were that shitty scummy club that you support.

There were more than a few yes but in comparison the the number of people in the stadium it was a comparatively small number, if was also a minority of the fans outsidevnot every fan outside threw missiles.

There may have also been people there who never went the match as Anfield is a residential area.

How are the club supposed to stop it, it was outside the ground?
Can you imagine if Heysel had happened today and all English clubs were banned from Europe for a few years? I wonder if Liverpool Football Club would be literally sued out of existence by the other clubs who would have been in Europe for loss of earnings.
Can you imagine if Heysel had happened today and all English clubs were banned from Europe for a few years? I wonder if Liverpool Football Club would be literally sued out of existence by the other clubs who would have been in Europe for loss of earnings.

How is Liverpool football club accountable for people who are outside the stadium? It is a residential area and the club are powerless to do anything about it.

To compare what happened on Wednesday to Heysel is apples and oranges and for the record the hyesel stadium was falling apart and people went to proson for it. Also why would the club be held accountable for the actions of individuals; they didn't tell them to act a **** did they?
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