Congratulations to the din dipping victims on winning another table.
Receiving the most money from the premier league, fuck me how will teams now cope when you add that to the Coutinho money that seems to be an everlasting pot ,!
You can put that sum into your net spend trophy pot and guarantee your self that trophy again next year..... or better still buy John Barnes some clothes that fit him, pay for Aldridge to finish his GCSEs, bankroll Stan Collymores latest dogging DVD, Buy Carragher a mouth guard for his spit, and go the full hog and buy every fan a huge sponge fist shaped hand so you can all do that pathetic fist pump shit that toothy prick does!
Featured in three more televised games than the champions ! Not like there is any media bias !
I hope Spurs smash ten past you and that they smash your coach to bits