Liverpool thread 2020/21

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Keane's right about them being bad champs.

Last season, we had no decent CB options for 2/3 of the season. Sure we finished well off the pace, but that was to a team that got 99 points.

We got 81 points, won the Community Shield + League Cup, made an FA Cup semi final and a CL quarter final.

This season Liverpool are on track for ~70 points and 0 trophies. They also got battered 7-2 by Aston Villa, and lost at home to Burnley.

It's a big fall from where they were.
Bingo was quite subdued in his after match interview, think he was probably physically and mentally drained.
"Let's hear it for your champions of 2 years ago and current 7th place finishers!!"
Their own players posed for team photos with the league title and the champions league from the previous year, a competition they had already been knocked out of and were merely free storage for the trophy at that point, I have no doubt their fans will be queueing for a photo with the trophy even when it's got blue ribbons on it for the 3rd year in 4.
Another record for the dippers to polish..

The WORST defence of a PL title ever..!

Absolutely smashed at home, could quite easily have been 6 and Bingo should consider himself lucky we took our foot off the gas towards the end or it was nailed on to be more..

If it wasn't for the diving Egyptian twat they'd still be looking for their first home goal in 2021..!

Even dyed in the wool dipper Souness called him out as a diver, how fkin embarrassing is that..!

Defending PL Champions, best PL team ever, playing the best football and obviously managed by the best manager,.. to be honest I just can't see it..!

.... Just looked again ....and no, not a fkin chance..!

I'd liken their *PL title win to the damp squib firework display the socially distanced dippers put on for us during the game..

Bang, fizz, flash and gone in an instant ..!

Pointless and a bit shit really..!

They look well and truly fucked now and more bad news, it also looks like VAR has now dropped them quicker than the diving Egyptian twat hits the deck in the 18 yard box and has fucked off to the rags..

Poor dippers, best ever PL team, the Champions of the World no less, now left to scramble like fuck to make top 4..

Looks like the writing is well and truly on the wall too for many of them, including Bingo if they don't qualify for the CL next season ...

What a fkin shame for Saint Jordan of Hendo, Bobby, little Mo, Mangy, Trent Darby, the sweaty sock, Dick van Dyke, Jimbo and not forgetting, Bingo..!

For what its worth I've got my fingers crossed for them X..
A highly articulated outburst....tremendous post pal
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