He doesn't know much about Liverpool history, though ..,.... Why boo the anthem? Don't know, probably history. Why did Wolves cheer City goals? Don't know? It's probably history Jürgen. Why not tell fans to turn up without tickets? Don't know? It's probably history Jürgen.
And a new one after last night, probably. Why did every other fan want us to lose?
You would think, being a fully paid up cult member, he would know a little about all these things.
Not really...
Knowing even a little is a dangerous thing for a cult.
Cults flourish in the complete absence of truth.
For a cult to take hold and grow it must construct a parallel world of alternative "facts" to flesh out its preposterous claims, and then garland its bullshit with a glorious history that portrays the cult and its members as the best, the best there's ever been. A fake reality where they and they alone hold the authentic torch of something or other and everyone else is consumed with jealousy and envy.
That's why it's impossible to talk to them, they are untethered from every day reality. If you're unfortunate enough to have a conversation with them and draw their attention to the self evident truth, they see it as a personal attack, because who they are, their self worth, is inextricably wrapped up in the alternate world constructed by the cult.
Truth is the enemy of a cult, best it is ignored, or dismissed or unknown.
It makes it easier to devote oneself to something that is self evidently a lie when one is ignorant of the truth.
They are more than us, we can only dream of being them, remember....
"Passion Beyond Reason"
At least they got that right.