Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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My only surprise with all the outrage from the English media convinced that uefa and France have been telling porkies,is along with the red scousers they haven’t asked for the game to be replayed..
Really not appreciating the David Squires guilt tripping for not wanting Liverpool to win. Normally I love his cartoons but he's dead wrong here. No, I do not have to root for my rivals just because the French police are cunts (again, it's not like Everton fans don't know, remember Lille) or because Real Madrid, who I also hate, are an unethical club. I can guarantee that if Everton were in the CL final instead, kopites would have been cheering on Real Madrid.
Frank Lampard fined 30 grand for making comments about officials after Liverpool game.

Herr Klopp does it after every game and nothing is ever said?
There was nothing remotely wrong with what Lampard said.

My stepdad (Chelsea fan) and I were talking earlier about how we were both sick to death of the incessant Liverpool wanking in the press. He's got a mate who's also an Everton fan and has spoken many times about how biased the press is towards Liverpool.
Listening to Aldridge I couldn't help think how playground like his gibbering was and then it hit me....the terms I sometimes use about them such as 'deluded' or 'cult-like' aren't actually that accurate, there is something stranger in play. Consider:
  • the inability to take responsibility for ones actions or connect actions with consequences
  • failing to understand that with rights come responsibilities and the rules apply to you as well as everyone else
  • a constant cry of it's not fair when things are not exactly to your liking
  • random baseless assertions of superiority
this type behaviour is not deluded or cult-like it is much better described as 'infantile'.

One of the reasons we love football is that it brings out the child in us in hopefully a positive way, but broadly speaking outside the heat of the moment our adult side stays in control. With them it doesn't work like that. It's like a significant proportion of their fan base is emotionally stunted and trapped in some weird stasis that is a cross between cheeky toddler and petulant teenager.

I've had quite a few conversations with Liverpool fans which proved to be exasperating and ultimately futile. In hindsight my big mistake was assuming because I was talking to a grown man or woman I was having an adult to adult conversation when in fact I wasn't. It's really quite odd and I reckon someone bright could probably get a Phd out of studying them!
My only surprise with all the outrage from the English media convinced that uefa and France have been telling porkies,is along with the red scousers they haven’t asked for the game to be replayed..

they will just expect Madrid to be stripped of the win . Typical dipper thinking.
You can bet Liverpool told every media outlet that unless it confirmed that it’s factual do not report anything or we will have the lawyers on you. FSG are good at this
It's what Celtic do in Scotland. And it works. The media now choose to ignore all indiscretions whether it be club or supporters.
Listening to Aldridge I couldn't help think how playground like his gibbering was and then it hit me....the terms I sometimes use about them such as 'deluded' or 'cult-like' aren't actually that accurate, there is something stranger in play. Consider:
  • the inability to take responsibility for ones actions or connect actions with consequences
  • failing to understand that with rights come responsibilities and the rules apply to you as well as everyone else
  • a constant cry of it's not fair when things are not exactly to your liking
  • random baseless assertions of superiority
this type behaviour is not deluded or cult-like it is much better described as 'infantile'.

One of the reasons we love football is that it brings out the child in us in hopefully a positive way, but broadly speaking outside the heat of the moment our adult side stays in control. With them it doesn't work like that. It's like a significant proportion of their fan base is emotionally stunted and trapped in some weird stasis that is a cross between cheeky toddler and petulant teenager.

I've had quite a few conversations with Liverpool fans which proved to be exasperating and ultimately futile. In hindsight my big mistake was assuming because I was talking to a grown man or woman I was having an adult to adult conversation when in fact I wasn't. It's really quite odd and I reckon someone bright could probably get a Phd out of studying them!
I remember being about 6 or 7 and there was always some kid at school proclaiming 'my dad is bigger than your dad' like I cared.

Explains Scousers.
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