Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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In a polite manner, can I ask do you acknowledge that some of your fans may be untoward on occasions ?

I've yet to hear the slightest criticism of one of your own from a liverpool supporter, let alone the club or media in recent times.
A long story short. After LFC won the prem a couple of seasons ago, the group of "mature" lads I played football with had a discussion on WhatsApp regarding the feral behaviour of the supporters who set the liver building on fire. One press report said it was a stray firework. I pointed out that LFC supporters get away with outrageous antics and the press make excuses "it's never their fault"
I was immediately called out by a couple of scousers who accused me of disrespectful language in regards to the Hillsborough victims
I did however receive this message from a really nice bloke who follows Liverpool home and away

I am sure those Liverpool fans aren’t the only bellends that follow clubs. But I have seen this sort of thing with LFC fans before. In Barcelona and Basel and at the parade last year. They think they can do whatever they want and won’t get punished and the Club need to call it out because it is getting out of hand and giving us a bad name and rightly so. I was in the seats above the pens at Hillsborough and saw what happened. I also had to get through the pissed up thousands outside with no tickets trying to force their way in. My take on Hillsborough is a bit different from the majority of Liverpool fans and not that popular. There was blame on all sides but the avoidance of accountability and the length of time to get to the truth is the shameful part and you have to respect the families and Dalglish for fighting to get justice. It was tragic and a tragedy. The new generation of fans need to respect the memory of the 96 and act accordingly rather than using it as an excuse to justify their perceived victim status which they wear as a badge. Rant over. See you next time
Is there something wrong with you?
"Polite manner"!!!! Not something I am that used to on here.
But your phrasing is in fact very polite/understated. I think what you actually meant is....why are so many of "your fans" complete wankers/fuckwits/cunts (delete as appropriate)
And I cannot deny that at all. It is that fine line (as fine as in a Liverpool VAR decision) between having a love and faith in the team you support and being completely blinkered.
Of not thinking for yourself or gathering information from varied sources before you reach an opinion and then say it or put it in print.
Football as in politics to a degree incite that tribalism and inability to think rationally sometimes.
As I have said before, I like to think i am "reasonably sensible" now, but in my younger years I look back at some of things I did and said/sang on the terraces and am almost disgusted with myself.
Sadly not everyone, particularly in football matters looks at themselves.
Please can you not be so reasonable, you make it hard to hate all dippers.
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