Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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They have the best keeper in the world, the best central defender on the known universe and they have the best front 3 in any galaxy known or not known to man, oh and they have Trent and Hendo, so why are they 6 points behind the leaders at the half way stage of the season?

It can only be that the manager is shit.
They have the best manager in the world.

They'd take their first 11 over ours anyday.

After they win the league and defeat the might of InFiNiTe MoNeY fC with the the only honest title win in 30 years they do incredible business with the greatest transfer bargain of all time, Thiago.

They buy Jota, who has been amazing taking up the slack from "Bobby."

And this year they add a much lauded central defender for an absolute bargain price of 36million.

And yet 6pts down and the fucking tears and candles and football is ruined and jesus christ lads grow a pair.
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The scousers reputation of being whining, self-pitying, lazy benefit spongers is so well deserved. You look at the UK, the Irish are known for being jovial pissheads, 'having the craic' and all that. They are also known for their love of music and people gather in the bars at night with banjos, guitars, bodhrans and flageolets etc. Terrific race of people.
The Jocks are known for their dour candidness, their down-to-earth approach and a willingness to take the piss out of themselves. The Welsh are known for their singing and the choirs they seem to have on every street corner, another bunch of great people. But the scousers (technically British, but unlike any of the above-mentioned), they truly are a race apart. The constant wailing and lamenting about anything they can fucking think of, their resentment and their aggressive nature towards anyone who doesn't come from there, the way they seem to cherry-pick certain facts and figures and brush under the carpet anything that might seem a bit unsavoury.

They are known as benefit scroungers, they have an awful reputation for thieving anything that isn't nailed down, and it seems that young girls of 14 or 15 being pregnant is quite the norm in most places.

The place is a seething cesspit of mass unemployment, crime, drug abuse and a general breakdown of law order that wouldn't have been out of place during the wild west.
Small wonder many celebrities from there move out the moment they get a bit of money. behind them.
The Anfield Wrap pre-match preview, ladies and gentlemen.
Why do the weird, needy freaks have this psychotic obsession with everything associated with their club being ‘the best in the world?’
They have gone so far beyond parody that they need sectioning

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They certainly are creating memories that will last a lifetime! I haven't laughed as much as I did last night for ages!
The reason they went 6 points behind was not because they were wank last night its because of (take your pick)

- sportswashing
- oil money
- unlimited funds
- football manager cheatcode
- Pep too good a coach basically (but framed as a dig at City)
- doesnt matter as it doesnt count
- blood Money
- finacial doping
- too many points needed, not fair
- cheating way to top
- Wind
- Rain
- Snow
- too many games
- not enough games

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