Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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Well if he moans about that his scouse loving media will go with that not his team getting beat at bottom of the table team
2 things.

Always the victim isn't sung to them about Hillsborough and forest singing it proves that. They like to say it's about that like they tried to make the Kiev song about sean Cox so they can play the victim even more.

In the article the scouser says if forest had the other end it would have been them who had the tragedy that day. I don't think they would have done.
Yep, did not win so let’s accuse others of singing it.
Notice they Had no issue singing pro IRA at Rangers to add to booing the queens death
You have to laugh at the Vermin.

Just had a peek on their cesspit of a site. Apparently Pep has been in the country a decade per one poster, and they want to cut allocations to Klanfield
Apparently Liverpool have demanded an explanation from Nottingham City Council after the team bus passed a statue of Robin Hood on their way to the City Ground.

A spokesperson for Liverpool said "Why is Robin Hood celebrated in Nottingham? He stole from the rich to give to the poor
He was a true socialist, anti establishment and principalled. The statue should be placed in Liverpool, the most socialist, anti establishment and principalled city in the land"

A spokesperson for Nottingham City Council replied, saying "indeed a statue would be suitable in Liverpool - after all, they're a right bunch of robbin' bastards".
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