Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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Well yeah, and this...

General rule: if a celebrity is promoting something medical, then it's bullshit. I prefer to get my medical advice from my actual doctor.
A bit like those Revitive foot machines that Ian Botham promotes. One of my older friend’s bought one and mentioned it to his Doctor, he just laughed and said it’ll do him as much good if he sticks it in the garage next to his George Foreman grill than it will using it, complete waste of £80.
Is Klopp losing the plot now he's off?
He never had it in the first place.

As is often the case with both these and the rags, it's all smoke and mirrors. The razzamatazz, the big-band parade, the streets filled with slack-jawed simpletons cheering him on: banners waving and flags unfurling - Hollywood stuff.
He starts off with the soundbites - 'We would never spend millions on a player," - then goes straight out and does exactly that. No different to their inbred cousins at the swamp.

Soon, before this season is over, the mask will slip and everyone will see that the genial, happy-go-lucky persona he likes to project is a childish facade, designed to hide the numerous personalities the man most certainly has.
I said from the moment he turned on that kid (a ballboy I think, looked like he was going to thump the youngster) he has serious mental issues that the medical staff at Shrinefield should have spotted and immediately sent him packing.

He would not look out of place in an episode of Blackadder Goes Fourth - he has as much of a grip on reality as General Melchett.
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