Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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That's not how the dips started though - the Everton 'president' fell out with the team (over wages, I think?) and they (Everton) left Anfield (that's right, they started at Anfield!) and this president abandoned his penny-pinching and started buying up and overpaying various playing talent to form LFC, how's that for 'organic' you dip-pricks?

At least that's a summation of how I thought this lfc blight on football came about...
The first league title won by a team playing at Anfield was in the 1890/91 season, and it was not Liverpool.
Senior people at Anfield have encouraged the major fans group to hoist banners referencing the 115. The fans group refused and leaked it to our fans group as they have an excellent relationship with them due to joint work on food banks , chanting etc.

Arsenal began the pursuit of City with the letter in 2012 but Liverpool took on the main lead in pursuing City over the years, Carragher encouraged to keep referencing 115 and even on Sunday John Henrys wife made snide comments on Insta.
I might be wrong, but isn't his mum a massive blue?
I didn’t know that Pam, but apparently that is the case . His mum and her family are all blues . Which explains everything about his humour and character!
Senior people at Anfield have encouraged the major fans group to hoist banners referencing the 115. The fans group refused and leaked it to our fans group as they have an excellent relationship with them due to joint work on food banks , chanting etc.

Arsenal began the pursuit of City with the letter in 2012 but Liverpool took on the main lead in pursuing City over the years, Carragher encouraged to keep referencing 115 and even on Sunday John Henrys wife made snide comments on Insta.

You’ve got to love the self awareness of John Henry’s mrs considering what her husbands baseball team got up to in 2018.
We have a club here that is unlike any other football club in England (I know the Rangers/Celtic fans can be a bit 'odd'). But with this club its supporters truly believe they are the greatest that has ever been: that everybody in the universe loves them and we all wish we hadn't declared our support for a rival club many years ago. They believe we sit at home nursing regrets that we didn't choose to follow the dippers and become a member of their cult.

The fact that their supporters, fully-grown adults, believe this is cause for concern, I think. They will indoctrinate their children and their children's children into blindly following in their footsteps, despite these youngsters being able to make their own minds up. Like religion, intimidating youngsters by saying believe in God or you WILL go to Hell and be with the Devil. Fucked up minds.

The dippers are no better or worse than any other football club, from the grass-roots upwards. You start with an idea to form a kick-about team with your schoolmates and a hundred years or so later you're a famous professional football team. That's how clubs start. But to genuinely believe that for some reason the club you support is superior in every way to any other football club, past, present and future, is just downright absurd.
The clubs we follow win games, lose games, and draw games: that is the nature of the beast. That is what we signed up for when we first got into the sport.

No genuine set of football fans seriously believe that they have a divine right to win everything, every season - but they do.
If you go on to RAWK - any thread will do, but the CITY one is a good example - just spend 5 mins (no longer required) with the thought in your mind - "Does this post in some manner present that Liverpool are victims ?"

You will soon get the absolute confirmation of how they act as a cult.

It is a constant mindset - and fuck they are so obsessed with CITY, no matter what they say as they lie to themselves.

Other constant themes are the way in which they have to achieve a level of groupthink that invalidates everything about CITY and also everything about Pep. No poster dare say anything that is contrary.

And of course - so many posts seeking to 'make it all about them'. The vast majority have never been to Anfield they are just desperate to insist that they are associated with 'is the best of the best'

Utterly sad fuckers
We have a club here that is unlike any other football club in England (I know the Rangers/Celtic fans can be a bit 'odd'). But with this club its supporters truly believe they are the greatest that has ever been: that everybody in the universe loves them and we all wish we hadn't declared our support for a rival club many years ago. They believe we sit at home nursing regrets that we didn't choose to follow the dippers and become a member of their cult.

The fact that their supporters, fully-grown adults, believe this is cause for concern, I think. They will indoctrinate their children and their children's children into blindly following in their footsteps, despite these youngsters being able to make their own minds up. Like religion, intimidating youngsters by saying believe in God or you WILL go to Hell and be with the Devil. Fucked up minds.

The dippers are no better or worse than any other football club, from the grass-roots upwards. You start with an idea to form a kick-about team with your schoolmates and a hundred years or so later you're a famous professional football team. That's how clubs start. But to genuinely believe that for some reason the club you support is superior in every way to any other football club, past, present and future, is just downright absurd.
The clubs we follow win games, lose games, and draw games: that is the nature of the beast. That is what we signed up for when we first got into the sport.

No genuine set of football fans seriously believe that they have a divine right to win everything, every season - but they do.
I first posted the following in 2018, I think. Still pertinent today and relates to your observations. Given it was expressing the reflections and experience of one our most respected UK sports/football journalists of all time, I do think this has value in assessing the views and antics of our 'Red Chums' at the other end of the EastLancs.. and especially when contrasted against the behaviours of their Blue neighbours across the city..


Herewith Brian Glanville's take on the matters of behaviours evidenced by Liverpool supporters and the media.

This is taken from Glanville's book 'Champions of Europe; The History, Romance and Intrigue of the European Cup' (1991), some six and two years respectively after Heysel and Hillsborough. Glanville writes:

"As a club, Liverpool, alas, were not remotely matched by their notorious supporters.

Among these there was beyond doubt a core of decent, largely middle-aged, peaceful, pleasant fans, who would share the mature, sensible attitudes of the club itself.

There were also, as fans from other clubs all over the country knew all too well, thousands of brutalised, violent toughs, whose excesses had been known for many years.

When the detested Manchester United went to Anfield shortly before Heysel the city had seemed awash with hatred. Coaches and trains of United’s supporters were stoned. Mechanics would run out of garages to scream abuse at the coaches as they went by. When United, just a few weeks later, came once more to Merseyside to play Liverpool, this time in the FA Cup semi-final at Goodison Park, Liverpool’s supporters were firing flares into the Manchester fans’ sections.

Quite where Liverpool’s following had gained its spurious reputation for good conduct with a blinkered press was obscure.

But then, journalists see little or nothing from the Press Box, nothing of what goes on, often sinister and violent, in the surrounding streets and alleys, at railway stations. Unless they are privy to good, first-hand information, journalists accept the public, distorted image; in this case, a misleadingly benign one.

Nor would it be enough to say that violence among Liverpool fans could be explained by unemployment, the crumbling and deliquescence of a doomed city given the behaviour of Everton’s fans, in Rotterdam for the Cup Winners’ Cup Final two weeks before, which had been exemplary."
There is a deep underlying core of insecurity with many of these dipper fans. Essentially football supporters are after the 'bragging rights' with the clubs they follow. They concern themselves with clubs that are fighting for the same trophies, they want the kudos of being able to say "We won this particular trophy," or "We've got the best central defender in the world." If we had been mid-table fodder, or hovering just above the relegation mark there would not be as many posts on RAWK as people say (I have never been to the site, so I wouldn't know).

As supporters we want our teams to do well, we want them to be the example that other teams will follow. For us we have achieved this. We are the cream that consistently rises to the top. The very best. But as we all know too bloody well it hasn't always been like this. We will derive more pleasure from what City are achieving because as supporters we've been through it all: the pit of despair as relegation is confirmed, turmoil in the boardroom, ridicule from the media and other clubs' fans. As fans we wrote the book.
But we didn't have pages after pages of pseudo-angry diatribes dedicated to Blackburn Rovers, or Leicester City when they were lifting the Prem trophy.

This is why I am certain there is some kind of mental aberration that affects a lot of dipper fans. They are well and truly at odds with not just football but with society itself.
Senior people at Anfield have encouraged the major fans group to hoist banners referencing the 115. The fans group refused and leaked it to our fans group as they have an excellent relationship with them due to joint work on food banks , chanting etc.

Arsenal began the pursuit of City with the letter in 2012 but Liverpool took on the main lead in pursuing City over the years, Carragher encouraged to keep referencing 115 and even on Sunday John Henrys wife made snide comments on Insta.
No doubt this conversation was also held with the rags when JH and his missus were photographed at the swamp with Gill and the other rag fuckers.
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