Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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Fkin digga victims.

We should all sing it at the ground.
Nah, let them stew in their own sense of self importance. We give them too much relevance. With Klopp going they will have a slump and will be desperate to be seen as still relevant. Ignoring them is the best way to boil their piss.
Correct thing to do if it's true. Bit of the boy who cried wolf to this though purely because of the club, it's a lot harder to believe a club that continuously victimises themselves, backs racists if they're their own to the point of making t-shirts in support of them and makes false claims of "tragedy chanting" when their behavior is pointed out to them.
Wrong anyways since „Digga“ is just a word in Germany and the player thought the opponent said the N-Word.
scousers overreacting for the press, that almost never happens.

The player wasn't overreacting if he thought he had been called the N word. It seems he was mistaken, but I don't think there's any reason to think it was anything other than an honest mistake. I would want a City youth (or adult) player to know he was supported by the club if he thought he had been racially abused.
But time and time again this one club tries to paint themselves as victims, the innocent bystanders who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Let's not forget these are the ONLY set of football supporters the world over who have never screamed abuse at opposition players/fans, who have never sworn at or threatened violence to anybody who is not a fully paid-up member of the cult. The annual winners of the 'HolierThan-Thou' trophy, always beating the Disciples themselves into 2nd place, closely followed by Mother Theresa in 3rd.

But the sheer misfortune these poor supporters have endured over the years would drive anybody to the nearest asylum. Many of these poor victims were in the area when our coach got trashed that night, it was even said some might have received a bruise or two from the flying debris that bounced off the side of the coach.
Imagine the trauma they must have gone through that night: the shouting, the banging, the threats etc. You've got to feel for them.
And please, don't get me started on their absolutely incredible bad luck in European games when encountering opposing fans. That sort of bad luck should not happen to one football club's supporters. It's small wonder they see themselves as being victimised day in and day out.
The player wasn't overreacting if he thought he had been called the N word. It seems he was mistaken, but I don't think there's any reason to think it was anything other than an honest mistake. I would want a City youth (or adult) player to know he was supported by the club if he thought he had been racially abused.
They accused them twice. Got two games stopped. It was explained. And lfc and their client media are STILL making news out of it.

The BBC ran with the headlline that lfc came off the field twice due to racism, and breifly mentioned that it might be false. The german version was that it WAS false and actually explained how stupid the lfc players had been.

Liverpool get victim clickbait. Its become a thing over the years that if lfc are upset they get extensive coverage, its a clickbait mechanic now.

And this is a club that in the past has been top to bottom supportive of racists! Systemic racism.
The player wasn't overreacting if he thought he had been called the N word. It seems he was mistaken, but I don't think there's any reason to think it was anything other than an honest mistake. I would want a City youth (or adult) player to know he was supported by the club if he thought he had been racially abused.
while part of me agrees if he believed that he had a racial slur used against him not once but twice wouldnt it have been prudent to actually confront the person that was supposed to have used it and asked for an explanation instead of causing a mass team walk off and escalating a situation into something that it wasnt?
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