Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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Brentford may give them a game next week, but the best chances of the Dippers dropping points are against the Rags and City.
Arsenal showed how to play against them. Harass them out wide and drag players out then play through the gap left in the middle.

City, with KDB playing will slice through them. Liverpool's illusion of invincibility has gone.
Arsenal showed how to play against them. Harass them out wide and drag players out then play through the gap left in the middle.

City, with KDB playing will slice through them. Liverpool's illusion of invincibility has gone.
Defensively they can be got at, as both Arsenal and Burnley have proved recently. If we play our A game, City are more than capable of getting a result, however our record at Anfield is not great.
This is why I hate these self important, always victimised, never our fault twats.

During a discussion on FB, someone wanted to know why Liverpool paid City £1million compensation.

Here's my reply and what some deluded Scouse twat put up as the excuse. Of course he had to put in the ol' 115 mantra in as well.1000637601.jpg
This is why I hate these self important, always victimised, never our fault twats.

During a discussion on FB, someone wanted to know why Liverpool paid City £1million compensation.

Here's my reply and what some deluded Scouse twat put up as the excuse. Of course he had to put in the ol' 115 mantra in as well.View attachment 106942
His username alone strikes me as someone not to be taken seriously. On top of that, as it had been mention on this forum is Liverpool conveniently not qualifying for any European Competition one season as if they had done they would of fallen foul of the then FFPR.
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it seems that we all follow the trendsetting dippers!

from rawk,

I disagree. There's a lot at stake here, & supporters from all over need to make their voices heard so the relevant authorities know that football fans in general are unhappy with the way that the likes of City & Chelsea have been cheating the system for years. It's all very well taking the moral high-ground, but that'll do fuck all in the long run. We Liverpool fans have been trendsetters for decades when it comes to the terraces. Where we go, others tend to follow & replicate. Someone needs to start the fire.
He's dead right.

Dippers still treat all seater, ticket only stands as Terraces!

Fucking cram in with no tickets or regard to their own fans with genuine tickets!

Have they ever been involved in any such incidents?
it seems that we all follow the trendsetting dippers!

from rawk,

I disagree. There's a lot at stake here, & supporters from all over need to make their voices heard so the relevant authorities know that football fans in general are unhappy with the way that the likes of City & Chelsea have been cheating the system for years. It's all very well taking the moral high-ground, but that'll do fuck all in the long run. We Liverpool fans have been trendsetters for decades when it comes to the terraces. Where we go, others tend to follow & replicate. Someone needs to start the fire.

Murdering fans didn’t really catch on though did it.
This is why I hate these self important, always victimised, never our fault twats.

During a discussion on FB, someone wanted to know why Liverpool paid City £1million compensation.

Here's my reply and what some deluded Scouse twat put up as the excuse. Of course he had to put in the ol' 115 mantra in as well.View attachment 106942

Their usernames were removed but as they had the username & password of a current employee they accessed it. It’s still hacking just not sophisticated “war games” type of hacking.

It’s like justifying a burglary because the bedroom window had been left open.
This is why I hate these self important, always victimised, never our fault twats.

During a discussion on FB, someone wanted to know why Liverpool paid City £1million compensation.

Here's my reply and what some deluded Scouse twat put up as the excuse. Of course he had to put in the ol' 115 mantra in as well.View attachment 106942
A scouser justifying thieving? Well I never!
This is why I hate these self important, always victimised, never our fault twats.

During a discussion on FB, someone wanted to know why Liverpool paid City £1million compensation.

Here's my reply and what some deluded Scouse twat put up as the excuse. Of course he had to put in the ol' 115 mantra in as well.View attachment 106942
The thick **** has just described a Liverpool employee hacking City’s scouting database, but it’s ok as thickie doesn’t see it as hacking. Unbelievable Geoffrey
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