Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

Sky tnt bbc will be desperate for them to win everything else now. Klopp singing and crying on the pitch in his farewell tour. Poch mentioned it before the game today it’s so fucking obvious! We have to stop it simple as that! Don’t think I could stand the sycophantic endless media coverage! I honestly think if they were to do it he’d say he was staying. And all this was part of his plan, knowing he’ll get help from the officials for a fairy tail ending and end up staying. Announcing it on the pitch in his supposed last game. Wouldn’t put anything past the goofy deranged twat!
Southampton will never get a better chance than Wednesday in the FA cup even though their away.
BBC HYS Mods in full protection mode. My post was removed:-

This is the text you wrote:
Chaos outside the gates as they try to get in without tickets?? Check
Booing the national Anthem? Check
Increase in theft around the ground? Check

Somethings never change

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