Liz Truss

There was a time when we had a credible Govt and sufficient armed forced - we have neither hence a state like Russia can take the piss - Truss deserves it though - lightweight in a tought world

The clever bit by Lavrov was asking why can't they do something within their own "sovereign borders" and that they were carrying out exercises on "their side of the border" - they are fully aware that the Tories have used sovereignty and borders in their own local rhetoric so when translated on the news - which it has to be for us to understand as he deliberately spoke Russian - those buzz words would resonate here' Rather hard for someone who believes in sovereignty and control of borders to argue against Russia's right to them too
Truss is literally a barely functional moron.
I’ve met both her and Hancock more than once in a professional capacity and he is very, very much her intellectual superior.
Think on that.FFS
I’m amazed that Truss doesn’t have someone tying her shoes in the morning. Like I said, literally a fucking cretin, a moron.
I have never been less impressed with a politician or, indeed, a so-called famous person in my life.
I’m amazed she doesn’t have an autocue for her everyday conversations with her family. She certainly can’t do without one professionally
And this isn’t party political.
I have in my job met Blair, Clegg, Widdecombe, Howard, Duncan-Smith etc and knew within seconds that they were moral and ethical lightweights. Pure lizards, careerist shithouses and sell-out vampires
Conversely, I also met the likes of John Smith, Gordon Brown, Norman Tebbit, Paddy Ashdown, Dennis Skinner, Gerry Adams etc who, while not agreeing with some or indeed any of what some if them said, I totally respected their obvious and genuine, fundamental, heartfelt beliefs in their respective positions.
They were hardcore, true believers in whatever it was they stood for.
So is staggering that such mentally and intellectually deficient people like Truss are anywhere near Government
The only possible benefit is that she might actually be too stupid to be as utterly corrupt and amoral as the current incumbent
Truss is literally a barely functional moron.
I’ve met both her and Hancock more than once in a professional capacity and he is very, very much her intellectual superior.
Think on that.FFS
I’m amazed that Truss doesn’t have someone tying her shoes in the morning. Like I said, literally a fucking cretin, a moron.
I have never been less impressed with a politician or, indeed, a so-called famous person in my life.
I’m amazed she doesn’t have an autocue for her everyday conversations with her family. She certainly can’t do without one professionally
And this isn’t party political.
I have in my job met Blair, Clegg, Widdecombe, Howard, Duncan-Smith etc and knew within seconds that they were moral and ethical lightweights. Pure lizards, careerist shithouses and sell-out vampires
Conversely, I also met the likes of John Smith, Gordon Brown, Norman Tebbit, Paddy Ashdown, Dennis Skinner, Gerry Adams etc who, while not agreeing with some or indeed any of what some if them said, I totally respected their obvious and genuine, fundamental, heartfelt beliefs in their respective positions.
They were hardcore, true believers in whatever it was they stood for.
So is staggering that such mentally and intellectually deficient people like Truss are anywhere near Government
The only possible benefit is that she might actually be too stupid to be as utterly corrupt and amoral as the current incumbent

Have you met Johnson?
Did he offer to take you out to dinner then ask you to pay lol?

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