Liz Truss

Truss is literally a barely functional moron.
I’ve met both her and Hancock more than once in a professional capacity and he is very, very much her intellectual superior.
Think on that.FFS
I’m amazed that Truss doesn’t have someone tying her shoes in the morning. Like I said, literally a fucking cretin, a moron.
I have never been less impressed with a politician or, indeed, a so-called famous person in my life.
I’m amazed she doesn’t have an autocue for her everyday conversations with her family. She certainly can’t do without one professionally
And this isn’t party political.
I have in my job met Blair, Clegg, Widdecombe, Howard, Duncan-Smith etc and knew within seconds that they were moral and ethical lightweights. Pure lizards, careerist shithouses and sell-out vampires
Conversely, I also met the likes of John Smith, Gordon Brown, Norman Tebbit, Paddy Ashdown, Dennis Skinner, Gerry Adams etc who, while not agreeing with some or indeed any of what some if them said, I totally respected their obvious and genuine, fundamental, heartfelt beliefs in their respective positions.
They were hardcore, true believers in whatever it was they stood for.
So is staggering that such mentally and intellectually deficient people like Truss are anywhere near Government
The only possible benefit is that she might actually be too stupid to be as utterly corrupt and amoral as the current incumbent
Johnson fills his cabinet with those who agree with everything he says. Consequently they are all likely to be intellectual pigmies.
Truss is literally a barely functional moron.
I’ve met both her and Hancock more than once in a professional capacity and he is very, very much her intellectual superior.
Think on that.FFS
I’m amazed that Truss doesn’t have someone tying her shoes in the morning. Like I said, literally a fucking cretin, a moron.
I have never been less impressed with a politician or, indeed, a so-called famous person in my life.
I’m amazed she doesn’t have an autocue for her everyday conversations with her family. She certainly can’t do without one professionally.
So is staggering that such mentally and intellectually deficient people like Truss are anywhere near Government
The only possible benefit is that she might actually be too stupid to be as utterly corrupt and amoral as the current incumbent
Best quote I've seen regarding Liz Truss was "she'd lose a battle of wits with an emoji"
Truss aids and abets Johnsons crimes, she actively promotes UK Govt denial of genocide in the UK

Look her up smart arse.
Wow ..It takes some perverse intellect to liken the UK government to Putin.. I know paid Russian trolls infest all msm discussion boards but BM- really. Anyway you are just an apologist for Assads barrel bombing of kids, Serbian genocide shooting down airliners ,using nerve agents in the UK etc . Still that Liz Truss is a nasty piece of work.
Truss is literally a barely functional moron.
I’ve met both her and Hancock more than once in a professional capacity and he is very, very much her intellectual superior.
Think on that.FFS
I’m amazed that Truss doesn’t have someone tying her shoes in the morning. Like I said, literally a fucking cretin, a moron.
I have never been less impressed with a politician or, indeed, a so-called famous person in my life.
I’m amazed she doesn’t have an autocue for her everyday conversations with her family. She certainly can’t do without one professionally
And this isn’t party political.
I have in my job met Blair, Clegg, Widdecombe, Howard, Duncan-Smith etc and knew within seconds that they were moral and ethical lightweights. Pure lizards, careerist shithouses and sell-out vampires
Conversely, I also met the likes of John Smith, Gordon Brown, Norman Tebbit, Paddy Ashdown, Dennis Skinner, Gerry Adams etc who, while not agreeing with some or indeed any of what some if them said, I totally respected their obvious and genuine, fundamental, heartfelt beliefs in their respective positions.
They were hardcore, true believers in whatever it was they stood for.
So is staggering that such mentally and intellectually deficient people like Truss are anywhere near Government
The only possible benefit is that she might actually be too stupid to be as utterly corrupt and amoral as the current incumbent
I've met Andy Burnham who is the model of a politician rising far beyond the level of his own incompetence, Margaret Hodge was not much better. I've worked with many local politicians of every party some who have gone on to become MP's . Most were useless at a local level then really reached out of their depth as MP's. The only MP I really respected was Alf Morris.
Wow ..It takes some perverse intellect to liken the UK government to Putin.. I know paid Russian trolls infest all msm discussion boards but BM- really. Anyway you are just an apologist for Assads barrel bombing of kids, Serbian genocide shooting down airliners ,using nerve agents in the UK etc . Still that Liz Truss is a nasty piece of work.
Wow, it takes some perverse intellect to liken my post to that of a Putin apologist. The other part of your little rant is laughable

Liz Truss is a nasty piece of work, plus she has the intellect of a tree stump.

It is your choice of course to support this Government of fools, idlers and deception. I take it you are an avid reader of the Daily Mail.

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