Lombardo joins coaching staff...


Well-Known Member
6 Jan 2009
Lee Bradbury's home town.
Sorry if already posted. I had not seen anything as i have been camping in the transfer forum.

Manchester City new employee Lombardo Mancini
29.06.2010 10.02 di Raimondo De Magistris articolo letto 1518 volte 29/06/2010 10:02 by Raymond De Magistris article read 1518 times
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Attilio Lombardo è entrato a far parte dello staff tecnico di Roberto Mancini al Manchester City. Attilio Lombardo joined the technical staff of Roberto Mancini to Manchester City. I due, forti di un'amicizia ventennale visti i sei anni trascorsi insieme con la maglia blucerchiata, si sono ufficialmente ricongiunti ieri: "Aveva bisogno di una persona in più che gli desse una mano – ha dichiarato Lombardo a IlSecoloXIX -. Lo aiuterò a lavorare sul campo e poi andrò anche a vedere qualche partita delle possibili avversarie del City, soprattutto quelle dell'Europa League. Sono fiero e orgoglioso di diventare un collaboratore di Mancini. È una scelta di vita, ma so dove vado. Ho giocato un anno e mezzo al Crystal Palace e quindi conosco un po' quel calcio". The two, given the strong friendship twenty six years together with the shirt Sampdoria, have officially reunited yesterday: "He needed one more person to give him a hand - said Lombardo IlSecoloXIX -. will help work in the field and then I'll go to see some of the possible opponents playing at City, especially those of Europe League. I am proud and proud to become a collaborator of Mancini. It is a lifestyle choice, but I know where I go. I played one year Crystal Palace and a half so I know a bit 'that kick. " Sbarcato in Inghilterra domenica, Lombardo ha firmato il contratto col Manchester City nella giornata di ieri. Landed in England on Sunday, Lombard has signed a contract with Manchester City yesterday.

The Bald Eagle - Crystal Palace All Time Great

<a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attilio_Lombardo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attilio_Lombardo</a>
shadygiz said:
lombardo.....now that's a blast from my past

forza lazio ;)

During his spell at Palace, every bald Sunday League player in the country gained the nickname "Lombardo".
What a good player he was..always used to keep an eye out for his games on football Italia channel 4 in the 90's.
shadygiz said:
lombardo.....now that's a blast from my past

forza lazio ;)
YES!!... One of my fav Italian players... talk about 100% committed every time he played...

Welcome Lombardo!
legend, remember him signing for palace and thought what the hell is going on?1?
even had a brief stint at managing them i beleive, welcome attilio!
Someone on here told me this was going to happen weeks ago in the form of a PM; well done mate - you know who you are. Proof to the sceptics that some on here do get genuine info about the club in advance and can handle it in the appropriate manner.

Climbs down off high horse.
Kinky by name said:
Someone on here told me this was going to happen weeks ago in the form of a PM; well done mate - you know who you are. Proof to the sceptics that some on here do get genuine info about the club in advance and can handle it in the appropriate manner.

Climbs down off high horse.

Then why don't you name them? Then there will be someone worth following!

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