Longest you've gone without sleep

Ive done a 3 day/nighter over xmas. granted it was aided by copious amounts of...?
finished up on boxing day afternoon getting nicked in the fletchers arms in denton for pissing in the open fire while the old dears were tucking into their roast dinners, fighting with the landlord when asked to leave and throwing a bottle through the window. not big, not clever and not a pretty sight believe me.
what is this sleep thing you are talking about.i have a 15month old who does'nt know the meaning of the word! not had a good nights kip for 15months.
Malia 2007.

8.00am. Woke up in my bed in Hyde
2.00pm. Cases packed, off to the pub to meet the lads.
4.00pm. First beer, Wetherspoons
5.00pm. Minibus to Manchester Airport, Few more beers.
8.00pm. Buy 2 litres of Smirnoff to smuggle on plain in handluggage.
9.00pm. 2 litres of Smirnoff are drunk between us all.
10.00pm. Plane takes off after delay, buy bottle of Jack Daniels.
11.30pm. Jack Daniels finished between us all.
12.30pm. Couple of the lads fall asleep, not me. Couple of white wines
5.00am(Greek time). Plane lands in Malia
6.00am. Arrive at hotel, bar still open. Vodka redbulls. lots of.
8.00am. Most of the party go to rooms and sleep. not me.Vodka redbulls.
1.00pm. Sunbathe.
2.00pm. Spot of lunch.
3.00pm. Vodka Redbull.
4.00pm. Showered and changed. Start on the Sambucca shots.
7.00pm. Into Malia town centre. Fishbowl cocktail containing nearly everything on the top shelf.
8.00pm. More beers.
...............................Blank patch...............................................
3.00am. Wake up in alley covered in cuts and bruises with a black eye,no Euros, no watch and no phone.
Stagger back to hotel somehow.

I make that 34 hours. Wouldn't do it again though.
wrongun73 said:
Ive done a 3 day/nighter over xmas. granted it was aided by copious amounts of...?
finished up on boxing day afternoon getting nicked in the fletchers arms in denton for pissing in the open fire while the old dears were tucking into their roast dinners, fighting with the landlord when asked to leave and throwing a bottle through the window. not big, not clever and not a pretty sight believe me.

Your a right wrongen! LMAO
Vegas Jan 2007 Hatton vs Urango

Woke 6am on the friday in Heald Green, went to sleep on the plane at 1pm Vegas time on the sunday, which was actually 9pm Uk time. So i think that works out as 63 hours in total.

I was hallucinating in Spearmint Rhinos before we left for the airport! Top weekend
Wheelsy OSC Sydney said:
Lol just reaching hour 40 since sleep... it's amazing how you get your second wind sometimes.
But I'm spent.

Make sure you empty your blow up kangaroo and give a swill under the tap before you go to bed ....

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