Look who I met yesterday...

Nice one, but what I want to know is did his hair smell of strawberries?

GSC will be soooooooo jealous of you!

Silva looks terrified by the way, do you always have that effect on everyone you put your arm around? ;-)

BWTAC said:
Fucking smalltime pal, a couple of years ago, Mike Baldwin aka Johnny Briggs was on my flight coming back from Portugal, he had very small hands.

Tut! He's only about 5ft nothing. Met him loads of times where I used to work.
FuZzY said:
BWTAC said:
Fucking smalltime pal, a couple of years ago, Mike Baldwin aka Johnny Briggs was on my flight coming back from Portugal, he had very small hands.

Tut! He's only about 5ft nothing. Met him loads of times where I used to work.

Turning into a met a celeb pissing contest now is it? Well I've sat next to curly watts at the airport once!!! Top that.
I want to know what happened on the plane. Was there a chance meeting in the bog? Did DS order anything from the in-flight catalogue? What did he drink? Was Adam watching him for the whole flight, oblivious to everything else? What about the baggage conveyorbelt? Any more tales from there? Half a story, Adam, half a story. You'll never make it as a stalker.
Always makes me laugh when people question why celebrities use budget airlines. Does being rich mean that you should no longer take the most convenient flight for the time and locations you need?
Was on a plane back from Amsterdam with the Everton squad, it was when Gazza was playing for them.
metalblue said:
FuZzY said:
BWTAC said:
Fucking smalltime pal, a couple of years ago, Mike Baldwin aka Johnny Briggs was on my flight coming back from Portugal, he had very small hands.

Tut! He's only about 5ft nothing. Met him loads of times where I used to work.

Turning into a met a celeb pissing contest now is it? Well I've sat next to curly watts at the airport once!!! Top that.

Curly Watts!! Doh! Now that is smalltime.

Well, Queenie gave me her royal wave on Cross Street a few years ago. Me! Nobody else! The crowds were further up towards the town hall, that royal wave was just for me.

Top that!!

Met loads of celebs and V.I.P's over the years where I worked and work now. Charles and Camilla, Alistar Darling, Francis Lee, Ken Barlow, Noddy Holder . . .

andyhinch said:
Got on a flight with ricky Hatton once he,s in full city track suit flashed my city tats and got an autograph for the kid she didn,t know who the fuck he was mind

you're lucky to get that mate, when i met Ricky Hatton he said he wasn't allowed to sign autographs anymore due to the contract he'd signed with his management,,,they were charging you £20 a person to get a pic with him at a charity fundraiser<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:22 am --<br /><br />
johny5isalive said:
andyhinch said:
Got on a flight with ricky Hatton once he,s in full city track suit flashed my city tats and got an autograph for the kid she didn,t know who the fuck he was mind

you're lucky to get that mate, when i met Ricky Hatton he said he wasn't allowed to sign autographs anymore due to the contract he'd signed with his management,,,they were charging you £20 a person to get a pic with him at a charity fundraiser

which wasn't for the charity by the way
FuZzY said:
metalblue said:
FuZzY said:
Tut! He's only about 5ft nothing. Met him loads of times where I used to work.

Turning into a met a celeb pissing contest now is it? Well I've sat next to curly watts at the airport once!!! Top that.

Curly Watts!! Doh! Now that is smalltime.

Well, Queenie gave me her royal wave on Cross Street a few years ago. Me! Nobody else! The crowds were further up towards the town hall, that royal wave was just for me.

Top that!!

Met loads of celebs and V.I.P's over the years where I worked and work now. Charles and Camilla,Gary Glitter,Yorkshire Ripper, Alistar Darling, Francis Lee, Ken Barlow, Noddy Holder . . .



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