Love Given but.....


Well-Known Member
6 Jan 2008
Why does he keep keeping the ball long in Adebayor's direction? The guy doesn't even jump for the ball.

I did a quick test last night and 8 in 10 kicks from Given went straight to Spuds players FFS
I agree with the OP, given is a top goalie, but compared to the likes of reina, his kicking is piss poor! Maybe it's tactics or the forwards but for me he kicks it long far too much when there is an unmarked defender/ midfielder close by would still be my number one keeper in the league tho
Our impressive first 15 minutes passing game were gone right after Given started to hoof it up every time he touched the ball.
Given is a great shop stopper but to be fair his distrubution from goal kicks is very poor. I cant stand us just booting the ball up field all the time, how many balls does adebayor win? very very few id say. We just end up with ball coming straight back, it's just brain dead tactics to me. i want to see us playing the ball out from the back more, into midfield and building attacks that way. But under Hughes all we get is a lot of aimless balls upfield.
cookster said:
Why does he keep keeping the ball long in Adebayor's direction? The guy doesn't even jump for the ball.

I did a quick test last night and 8 in 10 kicks from Given went straight to Spuds players FFS

Based on those stats it can't be down to Given. Must be tactics dictated by Hughes. You can understand the odd one if the opposition have closed us down and it's a last resort kick up the field. But the fact that we are doing this consistently every game says it's Hughes inept tactics. And to think we were taking the piss out of Blackburn 1st game of the season for their approach.

Maybe that's the issue with Adebayor. Not saying it's right for him not to go for them but maybe he doesn't agree with the way he's being asked to play so saying "f**k it, I'm not going jumping for high balls all day". That doesn't explain why he's a lazy git when they hit them on the ground though.
The Cyber Goat said:
I agree with the OP, given is a top goalie, but compared to the likes of reina, his kicking is piss poor! Maybe it's tactics or the forwards but for me he kicks it long far too much when there is an unmarked defender/ midfielder close by would still be my number one keeper in the league tho

Thats the crux of the matter! We should try not to pass back to him often. Given has a proclivity to hoof it upfield. For lack of confidence or ability to carry ball forward, if our midfield can't cut the mustard then we need to augment with players that can.

1. Its about time we transformed our team from a gun and run hail mary team. We need to reinforce our team with the likes of Yaya Toure (superior skillset).
2. No matter how good a CF we have he is gonna get crunched ala Evan's bruce lee's kick, Vidic vicious elbow etc. Ade is not protected from referee's decisions eversince the Van Pursy 2-legged lunges.
3. deJong passing and shooting is erratic IMO based on my observations to-date. To wit his shots from passes from freekicks.
4. All it takes is a couple of players (to gun and run, hoof and pump) to turnover the ball and delivers possession to a team that can pass and play decent groundball.
...hate taking?

By the way, that frustrated the piss out of me as well, every fucking long ball straight to a Spud. Not sure if we had a midfield at all last night. Still fuming.


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