Lunchbox Monitors Good Or Bad Thing?

Old cunts living for 100s of years crippling the country and those fuckers ate drippin and powdered egg. Bit of heart disease and diabetes might sort out the next generations pension problems
Some of the teachers at my daughters school are proper fat biffers so it would be pretty unacceptable for them to take "unhealthy" food out of lunchboxes as they clearly eat too much crap themselves!
Why feed your kids shit?

Isn't that the question?

People are too fucking lazy to prepare decent food.

Feeding your child a diet proven to damage their health is negligence at best.

Teachers shouldn't need to do this, but look at the increase in childhood obesity and it's obvious a lot of parents don't give a fuck,
My youngest once brought home somebody else's identical lunch bag by mistake. It contained the remnants of a cold chippy. Half eaten sausage and rock hard chips.
Poor kid.
Teach the bloody parents how to create healthier lifestyles. A sausage role isn't going to cause obesity, gallons of fizzy drinks, processed meals, lack of activity etc will. Lazy parents who can't be arsed cooking real food and would rather stick their kids on an ipad instead of taking them to the park.
Teach the bloody parents how to create healthier lifestyles. A sausage role isn't going to cause obesity, gallons of fizzy drinks, processed meals, lack of activity etc will. Lazy parents who can't be arsed cooking real food and would rather stick their kids on an ipad instead of taking them to the park.
three words


who do these little hitlers at this school think they are?

I'd be claiming sausage rolls were part of my religious right and telling them to f*ck right off
Why feed your kids shit?

Isn't that the question?

People are too fucking lazy to prepare decent food.

Feeding your child a diet proven to damage their health is negligence at best.

Teachers shouldn't need to do this, but look at the increase in childhood obesity and it's obvious a lot of parents don't give a fuck,

In the 60's and 70's we ate a lot of what can be classed as shit, everything cooked in lard sugar butties and mountains of bread. The difference is the activity level of children I suppose. Instead of regulating what children eat there should be a lot more emphasis on activity and exercise. There's a thread on off topic about parents driving their wards to school, we could start there and try to get our children to walk to school, we have to take responsibility because we as a society are making our children lazy.
If somebody tried to take those bad boys off me I'd stab them in the eye with my fork.

And if the sausage roll is a gonner, what chance the Cornish pastie. Surely they could be hauled up before some beak on the grounds of ethnic discrimination.

Won't be long before schools have a 'lead' for healthy eating where families are required to submit a weekly menu.

And I can see a situation developing where schools are informing families which fuckin' football team they should support.
It's pointless. Overweight kids aren't gonna get healthy cos the school watches what they eat for lunch cos they will just go home and eat shit loads of junk food there. It's up to the parents to do something about it not the schools.

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