Luton v Wombles Sat (Merged)

Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

AndyFcum said:
Soulboy said:
LongsightM13 said:
You seem to forget the hundreds of millions our club is investing in the regeneration of Manchester. Yes, that's right, putting money into the city, not taking it out like certain foreign owners. Or certain clubs whose fans still sing about City living in a 'council house' — and then go begging for a council bedsit.
Oh, yes, I forgot. Your franchise club is the first in the world ever to have communty schemes.
None of the 'real' non league clubs with tradition and history (oops, that word again) do any of this sort of stuff.
Neither do City. I must have imagined City's extensive, universally heralded and award winning City In The Community scheme, incorporating everything from health and education schemes for everyone from toddlers to pensioners, to the Kickz sport and music project to give young people in Manchester an alternative to crime and gang culture. I must have imagined it was so far ahead of the work done by ANY other club that one of its team was chosen to be part of the World Cup bid presentation team. I must have imagined the huge commitments to adopted charities, the Sierra Leone link-up etc.
How couldthat compete with a few games of five-a-side?
The fact is, and you people can never get away from this, is that you are not a breakaway club because you have never broken away.
You cannot be a breakaway club iif you still support the parent monster.
There is the massive difference between you and AFC Wimbledon. They would never cheer MK Dons, for they have integrity. They have loyalty.
You cheer United because you want to have your cake and eat it. You have no integrity. You have no concept of loyalty.
You have no dignity and, from what I've seen, no respect from anyone other than the deluded faction of the United support who do not despise you for your treachery, and their media apologists.
AFC Wimbledon are a club to be admired.
Yours is a club to be despised.
You certainly are not fit to be mentioned in the same breath as them.


Absolutely brilliant summary of the contradiction that is the Fuckems.

I know quite a few of them, regulars, and not a single one of them doesn't still support the rags, doesn't still go to the big games.

I wouldn't mind as much, but they constantly play the loyalty card when they are as far removed from the word loyalty that it is possible to find.

No one is denying City's community work, but we're not talking about that are we? You don't need anyone's help either. Its maybe the Labour Council wanting to support a kind of workers' co-operative and maybe be seen to helping another set of fans? I also never claimed we were the same as Wimbledon, those are your words. The rest of your "brilliant summary" is just filled with your hate of everything about United - opinions which i'm not gonna change writing on here. But being from Manchester, the home of trade unionism, should stand for more than you inflatable bananas do.

Oh my God!

Please don't tell me you're trying to equate the birth of the trade unions with FC United?

Talk about inflated egos and an arrogance matched only by those you chose to copy!

Don't try to pretend you're some plucky underdog fighting the nasty capitalists... when you first formed you had a support of 3,000 ands were facing teams who had literally three men and a dog.

Why throw in the socialist aspect when other clubs at that level were run by volunteers and a Chief Exec who did the job for free and claimed only expenses... when your club appointed a Chief Executive paid on a salary that even Gordon Taylor would be impressed with! What is it... £25,000 a year?

And you've got a couple of full-timers being paid that, haven't you?

Don't quote socialist principles to me when the reality is that the owner has his finger in the pie, to such an extent he can give up his real job.

You are known as hypocrites for this very reason... quote co-operative principles... and pay yourself as a fat cat!

So for 20 years you lived off the glory, the big signings, all the trappings of success... then Chelsea happened. So what did you do? Back your club? No... fucked off and put together a tribute band.

I really could take you so much more seriously if this was genuine rather than an excuse for a piss-up and the intimidation of smaller clubs... and that most of your "followers" didn't support another club!

At least Wimbledon FC are the genuine article, rather than the plastic fakes you lot are.
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

Haha, I must return the compliment Soulboy, great stuff.
I have heard this sort of crappy before, they claim they are the latest in a long line of Mancunian social protesters, the spiritual sons of Peterloo or the Manchester Martyrs.
Jaw-dropping delusion and arrogance. They are in fact spoilt babies who feared they would no longer be the richest and most powerful, and therefore able to lord it over the Prem, so instead decided to become the richest and most powerful at a lower level and therefore able to lord it over the poorest of the poor in non league instead.
They simply transferred the arrogant feudal sense of entitlement.
Doesn't sound like any kind of socialist struggle I've ever heard of, Soulboy.
And as a trade union member of more than 20 years, including six as a shop steward and a year as a regional convenor, this balloon has got me roaring, tears of laughter here.
The whole point of trade unionism is to take on the man's exploitation by standing together, refusing to be divided and refusing to back down on your principles.
Ironically, to stand 'united' if you will.
It's a strange trade unionist who would boast about running away from a struggle with an exploiter during a war of principle, and instead finding someone smaller you can do the same to and kick around instead.
They are so blind to reality it's untrue.
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

Soulboy said:
AndyFcum said:
Soulboy said:

Absolutely brilliant summary of the contradiction that is the Fuckems.

I know quite a few of them, regulars, and not a single one of them doesn't still support the rags, doesn't still go to the big games.

I wouldn't mind as much, but they constantly play the loyalty card when they are as far removed from the word loyalty that it is possible to find.

No one is denying City's community work, but we're not talking about that are we? You don't need anyone's help either. Its maybe the Labour Council wanting to support a kind of workers' co-operative and maybe be seen to helping another set of fans? I also never claimed we were the same as Wimbledon, those are your words. The rest of your "brilliant summary" is just filled with your hate of everything about United - opinions which i'm not gonna change writing on here. But being from Manchester, the home of trade unionism, should stand for more than you inflatable bananas do.

Oh my God!

Please don't tell me you're trying to equate the birth of the trade unions with FC United?

Talk about inflated egos and an arrogance matched only by those you chose to copy!

Don't try to pretend you're some plucky underdog fighting the nasty capitalists... when you first formed you had a support of 3,000 ands were facing teams who had literally three men and a dog.

Why throw in the socialist aspect when other clubs at that level were run by volunteers and a Chief Exec who did the job for free and claimed only expenses... when your club appointed a Chief Executive paid on a salary that even Gordon Taylor would be impressed with! What is it... £25,000 a year?

And you've got a couple of full-timers being paid that, haven't you?

Don't quote socialist principles to me when the reality is that the owner has his finger in the pie, to such an extent he can give up his real job.

You are known as hypocrites for this very reason... quote co-operative principles... and pay yourself as a fat cat!

So for 20 years you lived off the glory, the big signings, all the trappings of success... then Chelsea happened. So what did you do? Back your club? No... fucked off and put together a tribute band.

I really could take you so much more seriously if this was genuine rather than an excuse for a piss-up and the intimidation of smaller clubs... and that most of your "followers" didn't support another club!

At least Wimbledon FC are the genuine article, rather than the plastic fakes you lot are.

The past minute at Chez Toma - Read the line about unions......eyes widened in genuine appalled amazement....which swiftly turned to Soulboy's magnificent reply......calmed right down.
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

LongsightM13 said:
Haha, I must return the compliment Soulboy, great stuff.
I have heard this sort of crappy before, they claim they are the latest in a long line of Mancunian social protesters, the spiritual sons of Peterloo or the Manchester Martyrs.
Jaw-dropping delusion and arrogance. They are in fact spoilt babies who feared they would no longer be the richest and most powerful, and therefore able to lord it over the Prem, so instead decided to become the richest and most powerful at a lower level and therefore able to lord it over the poorest of the poor in non league instead.

They simply transferred the arrogant feudal sense of entitlement.[/b LOL!

Doesn't sound like any kind of socialist struggle I've ever heard of, Soulboy.
And as a trade union member of more than 20 years, including six as a shop steward and a year as a regional convenor, this balloon has got me roaring, tears of laughter here.
The whole point of trade unionism is to take on the man's exploitation by standing together, refusing to be divided and refusing to back down on your principles.
Ironically, to stand 'united' if you will.
It's a strange trade unionist who would boast about running away from a struggle with an exploiter during a war of principle, and instead finding someone smaller you can do the same to and kick around instead.
They are so blind to reality it's untrue.

What a complete load of utter bollocks - your own deluded bitter view of the reality. There's fuck all anyone can do about Glazer and we're kicking around no-one in non-league, nor lording it either you lying piece of shit. Btw Halifax won the league this season.
Better to be a City fan and do next to fuck all eh? take the easy route and all the money cause all you care about it beating United in the shitty premier league. Shinawatra ffs? where were your trade union principles there?
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

AndyFcum said:
LongsightM13 said:
Haha, I must return the compliment Soulboy, great stuff.
I have heard this sort of crappy before, they claim they are the latest in a long line of Mancunian social protesters, the spiritual sons of Peterloo or the Manchester Martyrs.
Jaw-dropping delusion and arrogance. They are in fact spoilt babies who feared they would no longer be the richest and most powerful, and therefore able to lord it over the Prem, so instead decided to become the richest and most powerful at a lower level and therefore able to lord it over the poorest of the poor in non league instead.

They simply transferred the arrogant feudal sense of entitlement.[/b LOL!

Doesn't sound like any kind of socialist struggle I've ever heard of, Soulboy.
And as a trade union member of more than 20 years, including six as a shop steward and a year as a regional convenor, this balloon has got me roaring, tears of laughter here.
The whole point of trade unionism is to take on the man's exploitation by standing together, refusing to be divided and refusing to back down on your principles.
Ironically, to stand 'united' if you will.
It's a strange trade unionist who would boast about running away from a struggle with an exploiter during a war of principle, and instead finding someone smaller you can do the same to and kick around instead.
They are so blind to reality it's untrue.

What a complete load of utter bollocks - your own deluded bitter view of the reality. There's fuck all anyone can do about Glazer and we're kicking around no-one in non-league, nor lording it either you lying piece of shit. Btw Halifax won the league this season.
Better to be a City fan and do next to fuck all eh? take the easy route and all the money cause all you care about it beating United in the shitty premier league. Shinawatra ffs? where were your trade union principles there?

I knew next to fuck all about what he had been up to when he took us over and he hadnt actually been charged with anything either, dont forget he was allowed to enter the U.K. Now im older and pay attention to this stuff it does bother me and im glad he is gone its just a shame he is associated with us
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

AndyFcum said:
LongsightM13 said:
Haha, I must return the compliment Soulboy, great stuff.
I have heard this sort of crappy before, they claim they are the latest in a long line of Mancunian social protesters, the spiritual sons of Peterloo or the Manchester Martyrs.
Jaw-dropping delusion and arrogance. They are in fact spoilt babies who feared they would no longer be the richest and most powerful, and therefore able to lord it over the Prem, so instead decided to become the richest and most powerful at a lower level and therefore able to lord it over the poorest of the poor in non league instead.

They simply transferred the arrogant feudal sense of entitlement.[/b LOL!

Doesn't sound like any kind of socialist struggle I've ever heard of, Soulboy.
And as a trade union member of more than 20 years, including six as a shop steward and a year as a regional convenor, this balloon has got me roaring, tears of laughter here.
The whole point of trade unionism is to take on the man's exploitation by standing together, refusing to be divided and refusing to back down on your principles.
Ironically, to stand 'united' if you will.
It's a strange trade unionist who would boast about running away from a struggle with an exploiter during a war of principle, and instead finding someone smaller you can do the same to and kick around instead.
They are so blind to reality it's untrue.

What a complete load of utter bollocks - your own deluded bitter view of the reality. There's fuck all anyone can do about Glazer and we're kicking around no-one in non-league, nor lording it either you lying piece of shit. Btw Halifax won the league this season.
Better to be a City fan and do next to fuck all eh? take the easy route and all the money cause all you care about it beating United in the shitty premier league. Shinawatra ffs? where were your trade union principles there?

Strangely enough... but you never respond to my points do you?

So what I'm saying is true then?

A Socialist utopia? Possibly, 'cos even in that world there are always the haves and the have-nots.

And nice that you think we "took the easy route"... why wouldn't we? We're City fans. We took the shit for the past 30 years, so why shouldn't we take the money now? We stood by our club in its darkest days, so why would we abandon them when the sun starts to shine?

It didn't bother you when Edwards sold out and you were all skipping with joy as the money rolled in and the trophies were being racked up.

You only got "principles" when it appeared that Chelsea would top you for the prizes and investments.

You are a club built on lies, hypocisy and arrogance.

Get used to it.
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

AndyFcum said:
LongsightM13 said:
Haha, I must return the compliment Soulboy, great stuff.
I have heard this sort of crappy before, they claim they are the latest in a long line of Mancunian social protesters, the spiritual sons of Peterloo or the Manchester Martyrs.
Jaw-dropping delusion and arrogance. They are in fact spoilt babies who feared they would no longer be the richest and most powerful, and therefore able to lord it over the Prem, so instead decided to become the richest and most powerful at a lower level and therefore able to lord it over the poorest of the poor in non league instead.

They simply transferred the arrogant feudal sense of entitlement.[/b LOL!

Doesn't sound like any kind of socialist struggle I've ever heard of, Soulboy.
And as a trade union member of more than 20 years, including six as a shop steward and a year as a regional convenor, this balloon has got me roaring, tears of laughter here.
The whole point of trade unionism is to take on the man's exploitation by standing together, refusing to be divided and refusing to back down on your principles.
Ironically, to stand 'united' if you will.
It's a strange trade unionist who would boast about running away from a struggle with an exploiter during a war of principle, and instead finding someone smaller you can do the same to and kick around instead.
They are so blind to reality it's untrue.

What a complete load of utter bollocks - your own deluded bitter view of the reality. There's fuck all anyone can do about Glazer and we're kicking around no-one in non-league, nor lording it either you lying piece of shit. Btw Halifax won the league this season.
Better to be a City fan and do next to fuck all eh? take the easy route and all the money cause all you care about it beating United in the shitty premier league. Shinawatra ffs? where were your trade union principles there?

Fuck off you Judas prick.

Stop trolling and crawl back under that stone you came from.

Anyway, back on topic, can I get a ticket on the day?
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

AndyFcum said:
LongsightM13 said:
Haha, I must return the compliment Soulboy, great stuff.
I have heard this sort of crappy before, they claim they are the latest in a long line of Mancunian social protesters, the spiritual sons of Peterloo or the Manchester Martyrs.
Jaw-dropping delusion and arrogance. They are in fact spoilt babies who feared they would no longer be the richest and most powerful, and therefore able to lord it over the Prem, so instead decided to become the richest and most powerful at a lower level and therefore able to lord it over the poorest of the poor in non league instead.

They simply transferred the arrogant feudal sense of entitlement.[/b LOL!

Doesn't sound like any kind of socialist struggle I've ever heard of, Soulboy.
And as a trade union member of more than 20 years, including six as a shop steward and a year as a regional convenor, this balloon has got me roaring, tears of laughter here.
The whole point of trade unionism is to take on the man's exploitation by standing together, refusing to be divided and refusing to back down on your principles.
Ironically, to stand 'united' if you will.
It's a strange trade unionist who would boast about running away from a struggle with an exploiter during a war of principle, and instead finding someone smaller you can do the same to and kick around instead.
They are so blind to reality it's untrue.

What a complete load of utter bollocks - your own deluded bitter view of the reality. There's fuck all anyone can do about Glazer and we're kicking around no-one in non-league, nor lording it either you lying piece of shit. Btw Halifax won the league this season.
Better to be a City fan and do next to fuck all eh? take the easy route and all the money cause all you care about it beating United in the shitty premier league. Shinawatra ffs? where were your trade union principles there?

you are a stupid, stupid boy. Go away and stop annoying fans of a real club.

BTW - come on Luton - they were treated pretty harshly IMO
Re: Luton v Wombles Sat

mcfcliam said:
AndyFcum said:
LongsightM13 said:
Haha, I must return the compliment Soulboy, great stuff.
I have heard this sort of crappy before, they claim they are the latest in a long line of Mancunian social protesters, the spiritual sons of Peterloo or the Manchester Martyrs.
Jaw-dropping delusion and arrogance. They are in fact spoilt babies who feared they would no longer be the richest and most powerful, and therefore able to lord it over the Prem, so instead decided to become the richest and most powerful at a lower level and therefore able to lord it over the poorest of the poor in non league instead.

They simply transferred the arrogant feudal sense of entitlement.[/b LOL!

Doesn't sound like any kind of socialist struggle I've ever heard of, Soulboy.
And as a trade union member of more than 20 years, including six as a shop steward and a year as a regional convenor, this balloon has got me roaring, tears of laughter here.
The whole point of trade unionism is to take on the man's exploitation by standing together, refusing to be divided and refusing to back down on your principles.
Ironically, to stand 'united' if you will.
It's a strange trade unionist who would boast about running away from a struggle with an exploiter during a war of principle, and instead finding someone smaller you can do the same to and kick around instead.
They are so blind to reality it's untrue.

What a complete load of utter bollocks - your own deluded bitter view of the reality. There's fuck all anyone can do about Glazer and we're kicking around no-one in non-league, nor lording it either you lying piece of shit. Btw Halifax won the league this season.
Better to be a City fan and do next to fuck all eh? take the easy route and all the money cause all you care about it beating United in the shitty premier league. Shinawatra ffs? where were your trade union principles there?

Fuck off you Judas prick.

Stop trolling and crawl back under that stone you came from.

Anyway, back on topic, can I get a ticket on the day?

shinawatra's been and gone, and oh look...we're still here!

Fucking Cunts of Moston(quite possibly), the ultimate disgrace to British football.

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