Lying police

The police lie all the time - just check the ludicrous cover up of the murder of Jean Charles De Menezes if you need further evidence.
In fact you could say that lying is pretty much their default setting,as it allows them to cover up the basic fact that,on the whole,they are a bunch of lazy, corrupt,incompetent imbeciles,who have the IQ of a house plant.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I have no doubt the police have and will always try and fix people up-its gone on for years. However, in this case I really hoped they'd get stuck right into these utter scumbags with their batons, fists and feet.

Got to agree with R2D2 again on this one!
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
The police lie all the time - just check the ludicrous cover up of the murder of Jean Charles De Menezes if you need further evidence.
In fact you could say that lying is pretty much their default setting,as it allows them to cover up the basic fact that,on the whole,they are a bunch of lazy, corrupt,incompetent imbeciles,who have the IQ of a house plant.

Every government lies. Nothing new here. The men and women on the streets do their jobs, if their bosses fuck up, it shouldn't be them that gets the blame (the man and women on the streets). Which is exactly what is happening here.
They were pissed off about the previous demo and were looking for an excuse to have a go at the demonstraters

keeping a couple of thousand people prisoner for eight hours with no toilets and water in the cold was their payback

the vindictive bastards were loving it
BulgarianPride said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
The police lie all the time - just check the ludicrous cover up of the murder of Jean Charles De Menezes if you need further evidence.
In fact you could say that lying is pretty much their default setting,as it allows them to cover up the basic fact that,on the whole,they are a bunch of lazy, corrupt,incompetent imbeciles,who have the IQ of a house plant.

Every government lies. Nothing new here. The men and women on the streets do their jobs, if their bosses fuck up, it shouldn't be them that gets the blame (the man and women on the streets). Which is exactly what is happening here.

Nobody mentioned governments - this is a thread about the police.
At the G8 summit protests,(where the police pushed an innocent newsagent who was making his way home over,and caused him to have a heart attack and die - surprise,surprise,no police officer prosecuted,despite footage on the national news),the officers on front-line duty actually had their badge numbers taped over,so that nobody could clock who was doing the beating.
That is illegal,but jack shit was done about it.
That is fuck all to do with bosses,and everything to do with bent coppers.
You can defend them all you like mate,but as far as i'm concerned,they are a load of lying,inept wankers,who I wouldn't trust to police an over sixties tea dance without killing some old dear in a baton charge,possibly when the oakey-coakey looks like getting out of hand.
Football fans have been treated like this for years so why the sympathy for students?

How many times have fans been held in grounds against their will?

How many times have you been herded from a train station straight to the game even if you're not a trouble causer?

I could go on but the list is endless....

As football fans we have no rights whatsoever. The student riots the other other week when they were all putting the windows in and the plod just stood there watching. Do you think if they were football fans they would be stood there watching them do it?

Everytime we have demos like this they all come out whining. Well fuck em, it's happened to us for decades and we've had no sympathy from anybody. They know the score before they go on the demo. And speaking from experience from my youthful days when i indulged in a few political demos, if you don't know what's in store then you are extremely naive.

The funniest thing with last weeks demo was that the majority of them who interviewed were the typical middle class Tarquin and Pippa uni types who as soon as they finish their degrees you know they will be employed in some kind of financial institution fucking up the world but at least it will make Mummy and Daddy in the home counties very happy.

Prime example, that nobhead stood in front of the police van with a riot helmet on and wax outdoor jacket!!!
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BulgarianPride said:
Every government lies. Nothing new here. The men and women on the streets do their jobs, if their bosses fuck up, it shouldn't be them that gets the blame (the man and women on the streets). Which is exactly what is happening here.

Nobody mentioned governments - this is a thread about the police.
At the G8 summit protests,(where the police pushed an innocent newsagent who was making his way home over,and caused him to have a heart attack and die - surprise,surprise,no police officer prosecuted,despite footage on the national news),the officers on front-line duty actually had their badge numbers taped over,so that nobody could clock who was doing the beating.
That is illegal,but jack shit was done about it.
That is fuck all to do with bosses,and everything to do with bent coppers.
You can defend them all you like mate,but as far as i'm concerned,they are a load of lying,inept wankers,who I wouldn't trust to police an over sixties tea dance without killing some old dear in a baton charge,possibly when the oakey-coakey looks like getting out of hand.

What happened to the man is sad and the cop should of been dealt with. I wouldn't judge every cop based on the corrupt scum among them though.

What i mean was there is nothing new to officials lieing to us.

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