Madrid Away


Well-Known Member
8 Sep 2011
One spare ticket for this

We also have spare flight and train travel if interested

Three of us were going, one had to drop out

Flying from Manchester to Alicante on Tuesday 9th April
Train from Alicante to Madrid - arrive Madrid 4.30pm

Train from Madrid to Alicante Thursday 11th April
Fly back to Manchester that night, arrive about midnight

Total price for travel is £260 - that is train, flight and name changes

Willing to sell ticket for the match ticket on its own, £60. Remember it will have a name on it that needs deleting

PM me
One spare ticket for this

We also have spare flight and train travel if interested

Three of us were going, one had to drop out

Flying from Manchester to Alicante on Tuesday 9th April
Train from Alicante to Madrid - arrive Madrid 4.30pm

Train from Madrid to Alicante Thursday 11th April
Fly back to Manchester that night, arrive about midnight

Total price for travel is £260 - that is train, flight and name changes

Willing to sell ticket for the match ticket on its own, £60. Remember it will have a name on it that needs deleting

PM me
I’m interested, PMing
One spare ticket for this

We also have spare flight and train travel if interested

Three of us were going, one had to drop out

Flying from Manchester to Alicante on Tuesday 9th April
Train from Alicante to Madrid - arrive Madrid 4.30pm

Train from Madrid to Alicante Thursday 11th April
Fly back to Manchester that night, arrive about midnight

Total price for travel is £260 - that is train, flight and name changes

Willing to sell ticket for the match ticket on its own, £60. Remember it will have a name on it that needs deleting

PM me
Fuck me that one out is tight day of the game hope the flights not delayed for any reason mate

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