It was accidentally knocked off the ledge. Please correct your post.And the media, they even refrained from mentioning it was a Liverpool fan who threw the cup full of coins, cowardly the lot of them
It was accidentally knocked off the ledge. Please correct your post.And the media, they even refrained from mentioning it was a Liverpool fan who threw the cup full of coins, cowardly the lot of them
Appreciating the " humour " intended because it was Ferdinand who was hit, but it is a cowardly and totally stupid thing to do.
The perpetrator having absolutely no thought or consideration for the innocent people who potentially could suffer life changing injuries and mental issues as a consequence ie a 15 year old girl watching her favourite team .
Brainless, selfish cunts who should suffer police intervention and punishment , if they weren't protected by
the equally irresponsible twats who watch it happen and do nothing about it.
I mean supporters of any team , but especially the cowardly dipper supporting cunts who absolutly love to throw things safe in the knowledge that they will get away with it.
I will say that our fans aren't exactly saints when it comes to this kind of stuff, we have our fair share of dickheads.Away fans say we’re the worst ground for it in the league.
The only person banned as a result of that game was a blue
Woeful stuff and a cowardly failure by GMP and the club to discharge their duty of care to the safety of fans in SS1 and 2, given the constant torrent of missiles raining down from the homicidal savages above and the serious injuries sustained by a young girl
Don't know why people throw things at football. Daft with all the cameras. The fucker who split Camelgobs eye open with a quid that time had a decent arm though.
Discussed on here previously, apparently the cctv couldn’t see properly into SS3! Which makes the decision to stick the most feral and lawless fanbase in the country up there even more unbelievableAnyone throwing stuff is a bell end in my opinion, and should be dealt with, but they don't apply the rules the same to them.
With all the cameras in the ground why can't the person from their end, who maimed a young girl, not be identified and charged?
Discussed on here previously, apparently the cctv couldn’t see properly into SS3! Which makes the decision to stick the most feral and lawless fanbase in the country up there even more unbelievable
With the help of the police.Appreciating the " humour " intended because it was Ferdinand who was hit, but it is a cowardly and totally stupid thing to do.
The perpetrator having absolutely no thought or consideration for the innocent people who potentially could suffer life changing injuries and mental issues as a consequence ie a 15 year old girl watching her favourite team .
Brainless, selfish cunts who should suffer police intervention and punishment , if they weren't protected by
the equally irresponsible twats who watch it happen and do nothing about it.
I mean supporters of any team , but especially the cowardly dipper supporting cunts who absolutly love to throw things safe in the knowledge that they will get away with it.
There were about 10 robocops who appeared on the ss2 concourse towards the end, standing around chatting, and who got told in no uncertain terms by several blues that they were cowards. More interested in threatening to nick anyone who criticised them than addressing the vermin up topIf the Police & Stewards could see they were throwing loads of stuff but couldn't see on CCTV, why didn't the Police take handheld cameras in? They are good at doing that outside the ground, to try and catch people with smoke bombs welcoming the team bus, but apparently not so good at filming people maiming kids by throwing things?
There is always an excuse not to do anything about the feral red scouse.
Presumably because Liverpool FC lost all record of ticket sales and the perpetrators face doesn't show up on any of their or Merseyside Police's records.Anyone throwing stuff is a bell end in my opinion, and should be dealt with, but they don't apply the rules the same to them.
With all the cameras in the ground why can't the person from their end, who maimed a young girl, not be identified and charged?