Man City have no history - Pic to Show all deluded rags

100%manc said:
To be honest as you have only commented once and it just happend to be on my picture and you also mention how great utd have been I can only assume your a rag.

And Regardles of what we have won we still have history . . . .

the picture was done 2 months ago in responce to the "we have no history" comment made by Everton and Talkshite

Much as it hurts to admit it they have been great - we've been shite. There's no disputing that fact.
No need to accuse him of being a rag though - that's the worst form of insult you can throw at a man.

The one thing we've got that they haven't and are likely to start finding out very soon, is true fans. Ones that have supported this club through the really bad times. Up and down the divisions, into second, then the third division, back up to the second and eventually back where we should be. No trophy for decades but still forty thousand plus blues turn up to see their team.

I seriously doubt that the trains from Euston, the planes from Dublin and the buses from Salford will be as red as they are now once the trophies start to elude that side of town. The international and out of town fans will start to fade away as they jump on a new blue bandwagon. You'll be seeing sky blue shirts on every news report from a school or playground and from foreign countries.

Then it will be their turn to take the piss out of our non Manchester fanbase. As it stands though, and unless the ground is expanded, these newbies won't be getting in as we've already sold the season tickets and Citycards to the true fans and there's not many seats left for them.
Get used it, it's the only insult they'll have left other than "buying the league" once you frogleap them in a couple of years.

It's funniest when a Liverpool fan uses it as they have a history but no future, or an Aston Villa fan, with their own incredible history.
SouthStandLee said:

Would be great gettin this printed off as stickers to stick over all the LUHG stickers, could anyone do that?

I really like this pic! However, if Andy ever feels like ammending it could you just:

1. Change the Red Rose badge with the Manc Coat of Arms as we only ever won the 1976 League Cup (and the 1986 FA Youth Cup) with that as our badge. That badge only cane in in 1972 - we won the league, FA Cup, league cup and Euro Cup Winners Cup with the round badge with the red/yellow shield with the ship and three stripes! Maybe even put that on instead.

2. Change the 1904 FA Cup to the actual old style FA Cup as it was back in 1904.

3. Add the 1986 and 2008 FA Youth Cup wins to that list.

4. Put the quotation marks in the right place where it says "no history ...

Sorry 100%Manc, I feel like a cheeky c'unt posting this! But it would make a great Photoshop perfect!! ;)

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