Man killed by his own XL Bully

Anyone who owns one of these is selfish, stupid and utterly irresponsible.

As far as I'm concerned it's not fundamentally different to walking around with a loaded Glock strapped to your belt. You're just externalising your own hatred and aggression towards the world. With, perhaps, this signal difference: you do presumably have some control over a mechanical device, i.e. a gun. A killer dog, though?
They should be made illegal, in short order.
Always been a big advocate of it’s not the dogs that are dangerous it’s the owners that make them that way.

Not with these fuckers though, they are killing machines that regardless of how well looked after will invariably snap at some point.
There’s absolutely no need to keep them as pets.
It'll keep happening again and again.
People are so arrogant that they actually believe it cannot happen to them.
Until it does.
It's Russian Roulette.
Horrific way to die, sadly people are ignorant to what they own and the power of such breeds. Doubt many people can successfully fight one of them off you so why take the risk?

Nobody could unarmed without getting some serious damage. Pitbulls are fighting dogs, they don't stop until they physically can't move and withstand a hell of a lot of punishment. They beat much larger dogs in fights because they just don't have any quit in them whatsoever.
Nobody could unarmed without getting some serious damage. Pitbulls are fighting dogs, they don't stop until they physically can't move and withstand a hell of a lot of punishment. They beat much larger dogs in fights because they just don't have any quit in them whatsoever.

Majority of the population would gas in a street fight in a minute or so, imagine trying to fend one of these off they ain't going to stop attacking you.

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