Timmmmahhhh said:
Thought it was a brilliant film, however 3 things stood out to me, which I'd rather they hadn't as they are failry trivial.
- howcome the ship that had his suit on was conviently sent 20,000 years earlier? Yes, the symbol means "hope" but wasn't it also the symbol of his family? I'm sure they all had different symbols?
- why does he have muscles? I'm no expert but I believe muscles grow through tearing and repairing? what did he use as weights to tear his invincible muscles?
- why were they hitting each other with steel girders? surely that's like me being pissed at someone and throwing a Quaver at them?
I have no idea why I thought of these things.
I think the suit is built by the ship when the key Clark has is inserted into the ship.
He's an alien so his metabolism will be different and so will the way his body grows I assume.
Agree with the Quavers thing but at the end of the day you have to suspend reality at some point otherwise they would just be stood toe to toe like boxers until one gives up or dies.
It's just a film about flying aliens it's not real.