Man U Ref watch - how many points will they gain?

The cookie monster said:
fatbloke said:
The cookie monster said:
Let it go fatty and go and have a lie down...

Just back for a little sarcastic Balotelli type look at the now silent few.
I thought all your questions have been answered?

Nijinsky's fetlocks, sjk2008 and yourself all agree there is has been a long standing bias towards the Top 4 in terms of "incorrect" decisions going there way and the likelyhood is that will continue but don't really know why. That in itself suggests that there is a question mark over the integrity of referee's in this country, whatever the influence(s).
fatbloke said:
The cookie monster said:
fatbloke said:
Just back for a little sarcastic Balotelli type look at the now silent few.
I thought all your questions have been answered?

Nijinsky's fetlocks, sjk2008 and yourself all agree there is has been a long standing bias towards the Top 4 in terms of "incorrect" decisions going there way and the likelyhood is that will continue but don't really know why. That in itself suggests that there is a question mark over the integrity of referee's in this country, whatever the influence(s).
I thought yours and other folks main argument was the rags get all the decisions..
Which is bollocks of course..
sjk2008 said:
Certain members indeed.

Some are suggesting it's as simple as bias, to which I and others have replied to. Some are insisting it's an agenda to keep the cash cow at the top, to which I and others have also replied to.

I don't know whether you're too simple to realise that not everybody here is arguing the same reasoning behind United's 'good-fortune' re decisions or whether you're just looking to have a go at the neutral voice who is, like everybody else, just airing their opinion.

Either way, keep it up if it gets you through the day.

As for the 'moron', 'deal with it' and 'bullshit' comments, well, stop being a 'moron' and picking out my comments because I'm not a blue, 'deal' with my opinion whether you like it or not, just like I 'deal' with everyone else's without resorting to uncalled for insults and stop talking 'bullshit' which is what the 'wannabe winner' and '2nd club' jibes fall into.

That sounds fair to me, since this is a thread on a General Football Forum messageboard where, in all likeliness, opinions tend to differ.
Another disparaging remark? What's with it pal, why are you getting so upset?

The reality is that I have only replied to one of your posts, ever. The other was a reply to a reply to your post. Do you honestly think that I'm following you around, picking on you, looking to somewhat ambush you; are you looking over your shoulder pal?

I've not been aggresive towards you, I've not disparaged you or resorted to calling you names or been abusive in anyway, so why be so insulting and abusive to me?

Not to worry mate, I'll try to keep an eye-out for your future posts and if anybody gets on your back, I'll be there, I've got you man. Wouldn't want your paranoid views lead you to believe there is a conspiracy against the 'Neutral Voice'.

I apologise pal, I was very harsh. It won't happen again.

PS. Where did I call you a Rag?
The Future's Blue said:
sjk2008 said:
Certain members indeed.

Some are suggesting it's as simple as bias, to which I and others have replied to. Some are insisting it's an agenda to keep the cash cow at the top, to which I and others have also replied to.

I don't know whether you're too simple to realise that not everybody here is arguing the same reasoning behind United's 'good-fortune' re decisions or whether you're just looking to have a go at the neutral voice who is, like everybody else, just airing their opinion.

Either way, keep it up if it gets you through the day.

As for the 'moron', 'deal with it' and 'bullshit' comments, well, stop being a 'moron' and picking out my comments because I'm not a blue, 'deal' with my opinion whether you like it or not, just like I 'deal' with everyone else's without resorting to uncalled for insults and stop talking 'bullshit' which is what the 'wannabe winner' and '2nd club' jibes fall into.

That sounds fair to me, since this is a thread on a General Football Forum messageboard where, in all likeliness, opinions tend to differ.
Another disparaging remark? What's with it pal, why are you getting so upset?

The reality is that I have only replied to one of your posts, ever. The other was a reply to a reply to your post. Do you honestly think that I'm following you around, picking on you, looking to somewhat ambush you; are you looking over your shoulder pal?

I've not been aggresive towards you, I've not disparaged you or resorted to calling you names or been abusive in anyway, so why be so insulting and abusive to me?

Not to worry mate, I'll try to keep an eye-out for your future posts and if anybody gets on your back, I'll be there, I've got you man. Wouldn't want your paranoid views lead you to believe there is a conspiracy against the 'Neutral Voice'.

I apologise pal, I was very harsh. It won't happen again.

PS. Where did I call you a Rag?

The Future's Blue said:
On a side note, this poster reeks of it. He may profess to be an Oldham fan but in my opinon he still reeks of a wannabe winner. How many lower league fans have a second team?

The quote above was totally uncalled for and only said because you're not happy with a supporter of another club coming onto a City forum and disagreeing with a popular belief amongst your fans.

I reek of what of a wannabe winner?
How many lower league fans have a 2nd team?

I mean, WTF has that got to with anything here? It was a needless comment but you felt you have your pop at the neutral.

Why don't we just cut the bullshit and stick to discussing the debate at hand, rather than throwing in irrelevant claptrap like that eh?

Oh, and less of the patronising shit.
sjk2008 said:
The Future's Blue said:
sjk2008 said:
Certain members indeed.

Some are suggesting it's as simple as bias, to which I and others have replied to. Some are insisting it's an agenda to keep the cash cow at the top, to which I and others have also replied to.

I don't know whether you're too simple to realise that not everybody here is arguing the same reasoning behind United's 'good-fortune' re decisions or whether you're just looking to have a go at the neutral voice who is, like everybody else, just airing their opinion.

Either way, keep it up if it gets you through the day.

As for the 'moron', 'deal with it' and 'bullshit' comments, well, stop being a 'moron' and picking out my comments because I'm not a blue, 'deal' with my opinion whether you like it or not, just like I 'deal' with everyone else's without resorting to uncalled for insults and stop talking 'bullshit' which is what the 'wannabe winner' and '2nd club' jibes fall into.

That sounds fair to me, since this is a thread on a General Football Forum messageboard where, in all likeliness, opinions tend to differ.
Another disparaging remark? What's with it pal, why are you getting so upset?

The reality is that I have only replied to one of your posts, ever. The other was a reply to a reply to your post. Do you honestly think that I'm following you around, picking on you, looking to somewhat ambush you; are you looking over your shoulder pal?

I've not been aggresive towards you, I've not disparaged you or resorted to calling you names or been abusive in anyway, so why be so insulting and abusive to me?

Not to worry mate, I'll try to keep an eye-out for your future posts and if anybody gets on your back, I'll be there, I've got you man. Wouldn't want your paranoid views lead you to believe there is a conspiracy against the 'Neutral Voice'.

I apologise pal, I was very harsh. It won't happen again.

PS. Where did I call you a Rag?

The Future's Blue said:
On a side note, this poster reeks of it. He may profess to be an Oldham fan but in my opinon he still reeks of a wannabe winner. How many lower league fans have a second team?

The quote above was totally uncalled for and only said because you're not happy with a supporter of another club coming onto a City forum and disagreeing with a popular belief amongst your fans.

I reek of what of a wannabe winner?
How many lower league fans have a 2nd team?

I mean, WTF has that got to with anything here? It was a needless comment but you felt you have your pop at the neutral.

Why don't we just cut the bullshit and stick to discussing the debate at hand, rather than throwing in irrelevant claptrap like that eh?

Oh, and less of the patronising shit.
This is about the debate in hand. You posted a string of choices that was clearly aimed at demeaning people on this forum who held the belief that United (and other former top 4 teams) get favourable decisions.

You've now gone on to tell me that I am not happy for you to come and voice your opinion on this forum. Are you reading my mind now? The reason I mentioned the '..reeks of a wannabe winner...' (not United, that was your version of things where you wanted a little sympathy) is because of the way you seem to be defending them, even though you have admitted they get favourable decisions? You reacted to this way out of proportion to what had been written, leading to abusive and demeaning language. This proved to me that you did not like to be called out in any way and that you yourself either have a littlle bit of a complex (very much related to this topic) or a very large ego. People are allowed to have other views you know.

And lastly, as I'm not wanting to vex you too much, why are you actually debating the point ferociously knowing that, in your words, '..[top 4 bias is a] popular belief amongst your fans.'. Surely it would be wiser to not go against the majority (in your words) on a City Forum?

PS. Your stance that I am ' have your pop at the neutral..' is very much far-fetched, I only aim my views at what I read.

I'll leave it there and let us get back to the debate, I don't want to upset you anymore. And welcome, now you have seen the light and understand that the top 4 get decisions in their favour, you're part of the gang.

Tin hat truly tipped to you sir.
The Future's Blue said:
sjk2008 said:
The Future's Blue said:
Another disparaging remark? What's with it pal, why are you getting so upset?

The reality is that I have only replied to one of your posts, ever. The other was a reply to a reply to your post. Do you honestly think that I'm following you around, picking on you, looking to somewhat ambush you; are you looking over your shoulder pal?

I've not been aggresive towards you, I've not disparaged you or resorted to calling you names or been abusive in anyway, so why be so insulting and abusive to me?

Not to worry mate, I'll try to keep an eye-out for your future posts and if anybody gets on your back, I'll be there, I've got you man. Wouldn't want your paranoid views lead you to believe there is a conspiracy against the 'Neutral Voice'.

I apologise pal, I was very harsh. It won't happen again.

PS. Where did I call you a Rag?

The Future's Blue said:
On a side note, this poster reeks of it. He may profess to be an Oldham fan but in my opinon he still reeks of a wannabe winner. How many lower league fans have a second team?

The quote above was totally uncalled for and only said because you're not happy with a supporter of another club coming onto a City forum and disagreeing with a popular belief amongst your fans.

I reek of what of a wannabe winner?
How many lower league fans have a 2nd team?

I mean, WTF has that got to with anything here? It was a needless comment but you felt you have your pop at the neutral.

Why don't we just cut the bullshit and stick to discussing the debate at hand, rather than throwing in irrelevant claptrap like that eh?

Oh, and less of the patronising shit.

This is about the debate in hand. You posted a string of choices that was clearly aimed at demeaning people on this forum who held the belief that United (and other former top 4 teams) get favourable decisions.

The title of thread is about United alone getting decisions there way. Then, after some back & forth with other posters, the debate expanded to other views such as 'keeping the cash cow at the top' and mentions of Sky wanting their product protected by ensuring they were kept at the top. This is where I entered as I, like others, have debated these topics many time before, mainly in the main forum. That is why I posted some of the stuff, in particular the 'choices' you refer to.

You've now gone on to tell me that I am not happy for you to come and voice your opinion on this forum. Are you reading my mind now? The reason I mentioned the '..reeks of a wannabe winner...' (not United, that was your version of things where you wanted a little sympathy) is because of the way you seem to be defending them, even though you have admitted they get favourable decisions? You reacted to this way out of proportion to what had been written, leading to abusive and demeaning language. This proved to me that you did not like to be called out in any way and that you yourself either have a littlle bit of a complex (very much related to this topic) or a very large ego. People are allowed to have other views you know.

Right, so by refusing to go along with an opinion on here that United alone get the favourable decisions and other opinions (mentioned in my point above) by other posters, you deduced from that, that I'm a wannabe winner and not someone who just likes to discuss football topics at hand, such as this one, and enjoys debating all things football?

You then wonder why I reacted to such comments as 'reeking of a wannabe winner' and suggestions that I may follow another club other than my current lower league one. Not much to say about that then if that comes as a surprise to you.

And lastly, as I'm not wanting to vex you too much, why are you actually debating the point ferociously knowing that, in your words, it is a '..[top 4 bias is a] popular belief amongst your fans.'. Surely it would be wiser to not go against the majority (in your words) on a City Forum?

And here is the kicker. Because I am not a City fan, it is therefore not wise to have an opinion different to the majority. Why is that, exactly? I mean, aside from you and the other guy calling me a wanker, nobody else seems to have an issue. Fatbloke had no problems conversing with me on the matter and not once did he revert to aiming petty jibes my way.

PS. Your stance that I am ' have your pop at the neutral..' is very much far-fetched, I only aim my views at what I read.

I'll leave it there and let us get back to the debate, I don't want to upset you know more. And welcome, now you have seen the light and understand that the top 4 get decisions in their favour, you're part of the gang.

Tin hat truly tipped to you sir.

Thanks, whatever that's meant to mean.

Let's move on shall we.
my dad says to me " its not over until the old bastard bribes the refs " I'm telling you i am disgusted at the way we are treated yet utd get everything handed to them cuz of bacon face
sjk2008 said:
Let's move on shall we.
You are right mate, now you've calmed down and aren't looking over your shoulder, I'm happy to move on. Didn't want to leave you with that nasty feeling ;-)

Anyway, who's the ref for the Rags this weekend? I bet he wears United underpants!

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