Man v. Food

corky1970 said:
Fucking shocking programme, pure glutony and greed

i fucking switch it over to see an advert asking for £5 per month to save a poor african baby, then switch back to see this **** high fiving a fucking retarded redkneck hick doing the fingers and " whoo yeh" shit !! as he forces down a house burger with extra steak and 20 sides with jumbo fries with pizza topping


Can we have corky back please?
laserblue said:
Daveth said:
He is actually a huge 'soccer' fan!
He watched the derby, although he wouldn't divulge which side he sided with..
He regularly posts on twitter about football and is also addicted to FIFA, muchos respect.

..That was... until I saw this....

Tbh he's a likeable, funny and talented guy and I have even more respect for him seeing that he's a 'soccer' fan. Would love to see any of you take on any of the challenges he does every week

you call regularly force feeding yourself shitloads of heart attack food just to prove what a greedy **** you are a 'challenge'?

Well yeah being challenging would definetly define what he does as a challenge<br /><br />-- Sat May 26, 2012 6:46 pm --<br /><br />
corky1970 said:
Fucking shocking programme, pure glutony and greed

i fucking switch it over to see an advert asking for £5 per month to save a poor african baby, then switch back to see this **** high fiving a fucking retarded redkneck hick doing the fingers and " whoo yeh" shit !! as he forces down a house burger with extra steak and 20 sides with jumbo fries with pizza topping


Thats funny right now im watching 22 men kick a ball around some grass who together net wealth must run into the hundreds of millions of pounds and i just saw something about an advert about a poor african baby
Quite simply we could point to anything and make your argument
I'm watching it now, the carnivore cronicles, he just ploughed into a t-bone steak, looked tasty. Now he's off to Detroit for a chili dog. I'm off to make a sandwich and a smoothie.

-- Sat May 26, 2012 7:50 pm --

corky1970 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
laserblue said:
you call regularly force feeding yourself shitloads of heart attack food just to prove what a greedy **** you are a 'challenge'?

Well yeah being challenging would definetly define what he does as a challenge

-- Sat May 26, 2012 6:46 pm --

corky1970 said:
Fucking shocking programme, pure glutony and greed

i fucking switch it over to see an advert asking for £5 per month to save a poor african baby, then switch back to see this **** high fiving a fucking retarded redkneck hick doing the fingers and " whoo yeh" shit !! as he forces down a house burger with extra steak and 20 sides with jumbo fries with pizza topping


Thats funny right now im watching 22 men kick a ball around some grass who together net wealth must run into the hundreds of millions of pounds and i just saw something about an advert about a poor african baby
Quite simply we could point to anything and make your argument

really ?? so a sport with athletes at the top of their game and who i know several are patrons of UNICEF is the same as some gluttonous fat yank trying to eat more than his body will allow??

Hes in the kitchen spying over Godzilla Burgers " THIS BURGER HAS ITS OWN GRAVITY" HE SHOUTS, WHOO YEH!"

i just feel uncomfortable watching him slop chilli cheese atomic sauce down his chin whilst some 'real purdy mouth' john Doe with a checked shirt and the IQ of SWP fucking high fiving the fat cuntstick

maybe i should just send a fucking tenner to ease my concience

I understand you not liking him but, there's not much worse than a skinny, dying, covered in flies African baby begging for your hard earned cash. Probably got fucking leprosy and everything.

Now he's eating sheeps bollocks.

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